Almost there

A&H International
Well, I went into Tuesday's fixture feeling pretty confident, it definitely helps putting you in the right mindset.
Anyone heard anything about 5-4 yet? I haven't
Neither have I mate, the talk of the town (well in this part anyway) is that they'll come out around 4 o'clock either today or tomorrow!
For a few days there I'd forgotten I was waiting for my promotion news.
Wonder when the next definite date/time will be set at. I don't mind the waiting it's the not knowing that's driving me berserk!
I've heard from a reliable source that the promotion announcements will certainly be out within the next year. So, not too much longer to wait! :rolleyes:
My understand is that two days before the start of August you might get some fixtures, from that you have to work out if you've been promoted or not.