Apparently .....


RefChat Addict
A N Other forum I received the following golden piece of "information"

"Do you know that if a club linesman tells you that he was called s cheating "see you next Tuesday" but you never heard it, you are expected to send the player off....this was an instruction from county FA's [Surry] from a few seasons ago. I'm not saying I agree with it. If was a new instruction that was given out a few seasons ago. 100%. Was only discussing this with a level 5 yesterday."

Now, suffice to say that the conversation went on, and on, and err well on but the OP's response was even better such that:

"Ok. It may have been on youth football only but I'm sure it was a general instruction across the board. Here is a copy and paste from a directive for L4 and above, but I would strongly suggest it applies to all refs."

I've spared you the supposed directive - suffice to say it makes no mention of dismissing players either .....
A&H International
I must howver be true to my word, and that I shall be calling the named person at Surry FA tomorrow such that I can learn from others, and catch up on the FA instruction that has been omissed from us here in London.

or not!
And I had a player tell me he could play with a taped wedding ring this morning. I told him he took it off or he didn't play. It took him less than 25 seconds to comply. As for the OP, try Surrey.
And I had a player tell me he could play with a taped wedding ring this morning. I told him he took it off or he didn't play. It took him less than 25 seconds to comply. As for the OP, try Surrey.
Or when they try and tell you there's nothing under it haha

I once had an U19 game at a contrib ground where he had some tape on his ear lobe, told me there was nothing underneath it. He was trying to come on as a substitute. It became very dragged out as we eventually told him we were getting back on with play until he decides to remove it, he then attempted to come on again, issue not resolved, third time it had magically disappeared.
Had this from the other side of the coin, was a club lino for a local senior side just after I qualified. Player (built and looking like Ross Kemp) comes over calling me a f***ing cheat with his face about 5cm away from mine after calling him offside correctly for about the 3rd time. As a 16yo at the time I was sh**ting myself to be honest. Put my flag up, told the ref (who didnt see it) what had happened...."Okay cheers mate"...no action whatsoever.

I'm sorry but if someone told me that, I'm putting my faith in humanity and sending him off. Admittedly had he/she reported just verbals rather than the accompanying intimidation I'd probably play safe and caution.

CARs get a bad rep. Yes they get things wrong but mainly due to the fact they don't know what they're doing. It's pretty obvious when one is blatantly unfair. No one deserves to be treated like that and their honestly be immediately questioned. Yes they might be trigger happy with the odd offside, but who would truly lie about being verbally abused. Have a little faith in humanity guys!!
if I'm honest ... id be calling the player over with captain and give him a dressing down, he'd then be on my careful radar - 1 slight move over the line and he'd be in the book.

NAR on the other hand, take their word - go with what they want. I had a referee once, I was Senior NAR - got called a cheating 4 eyed Jeremy Hunt b y the GK, called ref over - explained what happened, he asked what I wanted, said red! ... he cautioned as he didn't want to be too harsh! baring in mind this player had about 4 warnings for verbals.

95% of the time ive been NAR the ref has always said - anything in your cred he'll give, and verbals from bench/spectators or players - if I want it red or yellow he'll give it ... and I give the same instructions when ive been in the middle with NAR
if I'm honest ... id be calling the player over with captain and give him a dressing down, he'd then be on my careful radar - 1 slight move over the line and he'd be in the book.

NAR on the other hand, take their word - go with what they want. I had a referee once, I was Senior NAR - got called a cheating 4 eyed Jeremy Hunt b y the GK, called ref over - explained what happened, he asked what I wanted, said red! ... he cautioned as he didn't want to be too harsh! baring in mind this player had about 4 warnings for verbals.

95% of the time ive been NAR the ref has always said - anything in your cred he'll give, and verbals from bench/spectators or players - if I want it red or yellow he'll give it ... and I give the same instructions when ive been in the middle with NAR

I think I'd have been having more than a word with that ref after

What a prize c*ck
I have had this on a line too. Supply league football striker shouted from the other side of the pitch, "Are you have a laugh lino, you f***n blind c***t. Now one thing I am not is blind, I pay specsavers good money for my lenses. The referee on this occasion completely ignored it, however he did "allegedly" flash his warrant card at someone during the game to show he was a copper and the player should shut up!!! You couldn't make this stuff up could you!!!!
NAR on the other hand, take their word - go with what they want.

Not quite Charlie - I take your point and in your scenario that is a clear red, but the referee should apply his own tolerance so that it is consistent throughout the game. As an (extreme) example, one my NARs a few weeks back flagged me over for a player who had told him something so innocuous it was almost a compliment. The NAR wanted me to caution, and we agreed to disagree shall I say.

In my pre-match, I always cover this exact scenario - "f you get dissent, etc. that you need me to be aware of, call me over and tell me what was said. I will make the final call, but if it is clear OFFINABUS I will back you. Just remember it is my tolerance level that needs to be consistent." Something like that anyway...

If you have NARs, listen to what they tell you, but you as the ref make the call. CARs on the other hand, all you can do is have a very public word with player and captain and keep an ear out.
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oh yeah I do agree with you there, just that I've always been told by refs that they'll go with what I want, regardless of tolerance for the game ... of course though these scenarios do come up like you mention where the lino may be a little more sensitive than most!!

always need that common sense approach from the ref
crikey... why would he be carrying his warrant card? or are they obliged to have them on them at all times? either way he's pulled the wrong card out there !
i did have a situation once where i was CAR and blue midfielder kept having a go at me for flagging his striker offside on 4 consecutive attacks, the fourth one being the one where he accused me of cheating, to which i flagged and told the ref i didnt appreciate that comment. he had a quiet word with the player. next attack... offside again so i flagged, only to be greeted by the same player saying, keep your f---ing flag down. i could see the ref wasnt going to act on that so i decided to push a button or two , so responded with '' i will when he's not offside..."
cue the meltdown, rant, c-bombs, and red card... he then followed it up by calling the ref a fat c--t several times
he had to be held away from me at the end of the match too, but i was quietly satisfied with myself
I usually find my one arm bandits, sorry club linesmen, usually give back at least as good as they get.