Utd vs real

I still believe that it wasn't a red. I don't think that he used excessive force, I just think that he was careless, by putting his boot that high in an attempt to control the ball. And sorry for this, but I can't see in that quote that I did use the words awful and wrong?
A&H International
At first I thought red was harsh, it was dangerous when you look at where his studs were, but there was not intent to harm. However, LOTG say that "A tackle that endangers the safety of an opponent must be sanctioned as serious foul play". Roy Keane was spot on, intent is irrelevant. Nani's challenge could well have injured Arbeloa so IMO red card was correct
Had he kept his leg bent when he made contact, yellow. Seeing as he added an extra kick with his leg on the way by, red regardless of how much actual contact was made.