Back After A Long Break


New Member
Hi all!

I'm a referee from Australia. I've been away from the game for a number of years. I've recently returned midseason as I've been flaking a bit lately on some of my other fitness-related activities I'd taken up. Refereeing is probably the best motivation I've ever had to run for more than an hour at a time, so I'm hoping I'll be able to continue finding the time for it from now on. I had my first handful of games this weekend - three in the centre and one on the line. All went fairly smoothly, apart from a slightly silly second caution in the first game that I can probably put down to being a little rusty.

I don't expect to be posting too much, but I joined up just to let you all know that I think this is a great resource and it's interesting to read a variety of views on a number of situations that can arise in a game.

I'd just like to point out to some of the old-timers here that I'm all for electronic flags, non-black shirts and quick free kicks on the edge of the area. Do your worst! :p
A&H International