

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi folks, I've been lurking on these forums for a good few weeks and its been so useful - both in terms of reference points and also understanding the reality of refereeing.

I've been reffing games for my kids teams for a couple years when required and am also a L1 Coach of an U12 team - I'd done some mini-soccer refereeing courses but never the FA Basic Course. Today I completed the main segment of this course, and only have the final day assessment left for next week.

Despite thinking as a ref I've been fairly decent, I feel like I've learnt a huge amount over this weekend. I can't wait to get started... I've got my 5 games to do over the next few months then my final assessment/sign-off in November.

Just wanted to say Hi to you and thank you for your advice you've given - without really even knowing it.
A&H International
Welcome to the site. Don't be afraid to ask any questions

Enjoy the site and your refereeing
Welcome to the forum!!!

You lurkers kinda of make me feel self conscious about wandering the forum at night all naked...

Anyone who gets a late night like off me, should probably bear that in mind :D

Is a naked like better than a fully clothed like?

You will get used to my randomness David. :)
well considering the good the bad and ross have said hi ... I suppose the ugly should too!

welcome to the forum kind sir!

@SM I think a naked like is better ... kind of freeing and empowering
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