Sin Bins/Temporary Dismissals

Well if i sin binned a player at 11am i would write 11:10 on the piece of paper, manager checks his watch and calls me over at 11:10.
How would you manage additional time? If there were an injury would you tell the manager to change his piece of paper to, for example, 11:13. If one team started to waste time to the extent that you felt time should be added, how would you manage that?

I can certainly imagine a scenario where one team has a player in the sin bin and all of a sudden they are injured in every tackle, can't decide who should take throw-ins etc etc.
A&H International
If the sin bin means the card does NOT go to the CFA the CFA's will fold. Especially with their next set of cuts (around 4.6% i am told).
I inderstand the sin bin will be for certain misconduct/discipline issues between the yellow card and a second one. It's an attempt to remove the harsh second yellow syndrome that sees players sent off or in some circumstances not(especially at grass roots).

I don't think it will work, too many uncontrollables in there for my liking- one of the biggest for me would be how to control multiple players in the sin bin, that is from a timing perspective but also from a discipline perspective- if something kicks off whilst they are in the sinbin..,,,,,,benches are bad enough.
You could hand them one of those buzzer things you get in a crappy restaurant.... He then can't come back on till he brings it back to you with his time up and its flashing!!!.... Can I claim royalties on that idea??? :angel: