Had a game that surprised me


Active Member
So a few weeks back, I had this team, and although they're generally decent blokes off the pitch, on the pitch they're quite difficult to deal with. Usually I end up sending someone off from their team, typically for violent conduct or OFFINABUS.

Last time I had them, I sent a bloke off who called me a "Cheating C***."

Imagine my surprise when he approached me after the game, accepted the card, apologized and said I was one of the best referees they ever had.

For some reason, this team absolutely loves me, despite me usually dismissing their players. Anyone have any experiences like this?
A&H International
Welcome SSR, I wouldn't say the players 'Love you' but in a strange way they respect the job you do, deep down, its them that are coc4s and they know it!! Well, most of them anyway!!!
Welcome SSR, I wouldn't say the players 'Love you' but in a strange way they respect the job you do, deep down, its them that are coc4s and they know it!! Well, most of them anyway!!!

Yeah, I'm not personally offended when someone has a pop at me or anything, I'm more annoyed actually by parents at youth games who pretend they know it all when they don't. Of course, OFFINABUS is OFFINABUS but the players know it usually isn't personal, and I know it isn't most of the time anyways.

To be fair to the team, they only get like that when they're frustrated, and typically go out for revenge if some of their blokes have been clattered in a tackle or such, which I suppose I can understand. They're not really a 'dirty team' in their own right.

I think they like me because I don't like the opposition kick them up in the air. I'm told a lot of referees in one of the leagues I do hardly ever put their cards through, or fail to issue them in the first place.

I get asked pretty much every week if I'm putting the cards through, not even because the teams want to get out of it, but because teams need to know because they submitted their match card along with the referee's.
I had to book 2 players today and disallow one of their goals, I was reffered to as 'absolutely qualify' by 2 of their players and 'one of their favourite referees by another. I thought it was odd, but I also looked at it as they understood that I was doing the right thing,
the first time I experienced a team on my back for almost the full 90 minutes, pretty much for everything, just chipping away ... (all dealt with accordingly btw) to then have them compliment and shake my hand at the end of the game despite losing, was actually quite an experience. In as much as, whilst it probably was designed to make me feel as though i was having a shocker, and therefore undermine my confidence... am i making the right decisions here etc etc ... ulitmately they were just trying it on .
Gives you a lot more confidence for the next time it happens
I had to book 2 players today and disallow one of their goals, I was reffered to as 'absolutely qualify' by 2 of their players and 'one of their favourite referees by another. I thought it was odd, but I also looked at it as they understood that I was doing the right thing,
I had to book 2 players today and disallow one of their goals, I was reffered to as 'absolutely qualify' by 2 of their players and 'one of their favourite referees by another. I thought it was odd, but I also looked at it as they understood that I was doing the right thing,

I think that's called sarcasm :D:D:D

EDIT: Sorry yampy, you got there first!