The Ref Stop

2nd game Saturday


New Member
Level 9 Referee
Hi all,

I had my second game on Saturday, a few of you would have read about my nightmare of a first game (OA game) but this time i opted for u16s. I'm glad to report the dissent was almost non - existent (bar the usual questions - why isnt that a foul? etc) which was a huge relief after the last game!

Overall I think i reffed quite well for my second game, was actually really pleased. I think i got the vast majority of decisions correct in law and now have some improvement areas i know i need to focus on. The main incident was a red card in the match. Blue player gets fouled (borderline yellow) and he gets up and calls Yellow player a "F****** C***. Didn't bottle it this time and sent off for OFFINABUS, I probably should have booked the original offender but was too caught up with the red card! The only other offence was a yellow card for persistent infringement offence(i gave a warning first) and then he fouled again within 2 mins - easy sell. I missed a couple of offsides, and one dodgy thrown in decision but again majority of decisions were correct with very minimal complaints from both sets of coaches during the game. Also, there was a bit of a kick off behind me when the ball was in play - i immedialtey stopped play and calmed the players down (i didnt see anything although mentions of elbows were made) but i just restarted with a dropped ball.

The main arears of focus

- Inspect the pitch more - glass was found at half time, i did check the pitch but the glass was dug right into the ground, next time i will be doing it very thoroughly line by line
- Positioning - This needs to improve i found myself in the way of players wanting to make passes constantly. I improved as the game went on and will keep improving in this area hopefully.

One thing that REALLY annoyed me during the game - when we were picking up the glass the parent of the lad who got sent off came over the convo below:

"Are you going to report this Ref?"
"Yes I am"
"Well there was a kick out that you missed and my son said the lad took a swing for him" (He definitely didnt it was a yellow card tackle - im not sure if he meant when i had my back turned as i was calling the player over to send him off)
"I didnt see that"
"Well he is going to be out for 3 weeks now and a big fine and its' not fair if you have missed the other red card"
"With all due respect he shouldnt have said what he said, that is a red card offence"

He then muttered off and said "****ing idiot" or something. Charming.

Overall though very happy - i even had two people and the home coachj say i had an excellent game (they didn't know it was my second) so was pleased.
The Ref Stop
Well done, good work.

On positioning, the best advice I ever got was to 'think left'. If you're always thinking about keeping left of the ball, you'll find yourself out of the way of play. The other thing is to treat the centre circle like a box junction on the road. You can go through, but don't ever stop in the middle of it.
Well done, you'll always get someone bitching after any card that you shouldn't be sending something in or you missed this or that. Smile, tell them you'll reflect on your performance, walk away, send them in anyway!!! Its mind games, they know their in trouble so pulling on your heart strings they think helps.... See, its a doddle after a bit!!! :angel:
It’s the ultimate sanction in football but once you’ve set your own personal tolerance bar it’s an easy decision if it’s exceeded. Good luck in the next ones.
My piece of advice would be dont get into conversations with parents/players etc about incidents after games. I’ve been accused of all sorts when I’ve been isolated one on one of them but most of the time, it’s just a meaningless back and fourth which never gets anywhere because the other person only sees it one way, and that’s their way. Better off just walking away