The Ref Stop

3G Pitches


Active Member
Do any of you have any problems when officiating on 3G pitches? For example tight calfs after the game even though you have warmed up thoroughly before the game.
My fitness isn't a problem I feel every time I'm out on that surface I feel I get more problems happen with your body compared to normal grass pitches.

The Ref Stop
Nope, love em. Added bonus is clean boots after the match.

Main problem is that MOST are multi use so you see the reflection of a "line" in the change in colour over dostance, it's just decising what colour the line is:

Love 'em too ... as above - my nearest 3G pitch has 2 half (blue line) and 4 quarter (red) pitches on it - can take an extra 0.5 second to be sure for in/out FK decisions near the pen area

@HRW - got to make sure they are 100% clean before the game though :)
Sorry @Alex71 it's a great facility to have. I live literally 10 minutes away. To say I've seen a couple famous faces up there would be an understatement!
I have to agree 3G do me no good at all so seeing as both my Saturday and Sunday matches are on 3G this very weekend it looks like a pretty long ice bath for me on Sunday night!!!!
So many reasons why I prefer 3G:
  • Clean boots
  • Pitches usually bigger = less tackles flying in, mouthy parents/coaches further away
  • Less/no chance of game being called off due to weather
  • Usually means a big pavilion with nice clean, roomy, warm changing facilities and a shower
  • Said pavilion will often carry an electric ball pump you can borrow and in some cases a pressure guage
  • Pitch is smoother so better football is played and the ball doesn't take unpredictable bobbles
  • The pitch markings can't be faffed up by certain groundsmen (square corner arcs anyone?)
  • Most have a nice tall fence so the ball doesn't fly away
  • Goals are permanently on the pitch instead of being dodgily assembled by parents
  • Nets are better usually and never seem to have holes
However once I did take a tumble on the 3G and ended up with the rubber bits in my eye, had to stop play for a minute or two to get them out with aid of a few water bottles, cue every decision being met with "you still got that stuff in your eye ref"
This is a specificity of my region, but 80% of pitches over here are 3G, and the few grass ones are usually reserved to the highest level OA team of clubs. In 31 games I've only reffed twice in normal grass pitches
Big big advantage : Games all year long, no problem at Christmas or in January, no argue about the practicability with coaches and all that @smair said