4th min red card


RefChat Addict
Had an interesting one yesterday, county cup game.

4th minute blue striker shoots, white defender on the line saves it with his hand.

i blow for a penalty and call the player over for the obligatory red card.

With that everyone starts shouting, ref ref the lino is saying it was over the line, i was 99.9% sure he was a good foot on the pitch (i was in a spookily good position!!), i was saying no sorry fellas it wasn't over the line, blue players then start saying no it's ok ref lets go with the lino and we'll take the goal and carry on.

Part of me was thinking no sod it i'm sure it wasn't over the line, but everyone wasn't interested in the penalty and red card.

So i went with the players.

Score was 0-0 at the time.

Decent set of players or a bit of naivety from blues??

Blues subsequently went on to beat the 11 man whites 13-0, god knows what the score would have been
A&H International
You sound massively sure you have done the wrong thing. Maybe for the right reasons, but still wrong.
Part of me was thinking no sod it i'm sure it wasn't over the line, but everyone wasn't interested in the penalty and red card.

So i went with the players.

Score was 0-0 at the time.

Decent set of players or a bit of naivety from blues

Dare I say a bit of naivety from the referee more likely ;)

Having said that, under my law change, 1-0, the player stays on the pitch and a County f.a. is £50, or thereabouts, the poorer
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No naivety from me, everyone was happy that car was correct, so let's get on with it. I'm sure many would disagree on here, but the expectation from all on the fop was a goal, so why go against everyone.

I like to think it was common sense refereeing.

I know some will say lotg are lotg so he has to go and everything is black and white.
99.9% certain, in a spookily good position and you were still wrong!

Don't give up the day job ;)
Know one wanted the sending off so you carry on and send off, bang goes your match control and respect.

It worked for me yesterday and on reflection I'm glad I did what I did.

Life ain't about doing things by the book all the time, everyone seemed happy with 11 v 11
No one likes those sending offs but you can very easily lose match control because of those decisions. I had one of those last month and knew the player had to go. Most will accept it if your are confident in your decision making.
Did the strings get in the way for the remaining 86 minutes?

Just wondering, like ;)
Yes but you have to do your job. Not sending the player off means you put yourself in a terrible position of being able to be manipulated
Maybe I was wrong. At the time everyone was happy.

It is what it is, would it do it again???


I was just so surprised that know one wanted the card.

Oh well never mind, soon be Christmas.
@svenny76 Law 5
The referee...
controls the match in cooperation with the assistant referees and, where applicable, with the fourth offi cial

The referee may only change a decision on realising that it is incorrect or, at his discretion, on the advice of an assistant referee or the fourth official, provided that he has not restarted play or terminated the match.

Did you consult the AR or just take the players' word for it? if you consulted, even with eye contact, then you've done ok. The above is a direct quote from the LOTG and is in black and white
Well if everyone is sure the ball is over the line then he can't of denied a goalscoring opportunity. :D

Well played, ref