Open Age 4th Official

Cheshire Ref

RefChat Addict
On Saturday I have a rather exciting fixture, a County Cup Semi Final appointment where I have been appointment as the 4th Official. Now I know the main duties ie. Keep the benches in check, Subs, spare balls etc but having never done this before does anyone have any tips??

A&H International
With it being very cold at the moment then Wear a Tracksuit if you have one so you can attempt to keep yourself warm

Generally though as you said Keep the Benches in Check throughout and try and keep them on your side, Little Jokes
seem to work. The sub process will be done and you may be asked to keep a check on all cards and subs in your book

So be aware of that.

Overall enjoy the game! and let us know how it goes on
With it being very cold at the moment then Wear a Tracksuit if you have one so you can attempt to keep yourself warm

Generally though as you said Keep the Benches in Check throughout and try and keep them on your side, Little Jokes
seem to work. The sub process will be done and you may be asked to keep a check on all cards and subs in your book
So be aware of that.

Overall enjoy the game! and let us know how it goes on

Well I you asked how it went so brace yourself!! Black v Yellow

Unbelievable!! 15 minutes in two players from the same side (black) square up to each other, one player is immediately substituted by his manager who then throws his shirt to the ground in disgust and kicks the corner flag 20 yards off the pitch. 30 minutes now played two players come together, play continues up field with referee and assistant following play and me keeping an eye on the two that have gone over. Good job I did as black player now punches yellow 3 times full in the face and starts to, what I can only describe as gouging his eye out, he literally had his thumb in his eye. I called for the referee who issued him with a red card but in the commotion the dug out that is to my right who are the black team couldn't see the incident so think I have made the whole thing up (to be fair ref's do that all the time don't they :-/) I now have to spend the rest of the game next to this lot with fans making there way around to my side of the ground to have a go at me!!

I must say though that despite the abuse and mayhem I actually quite enjoyed it!!