5-a-side Leagues


Politically Incorrect
I've played 5 a side for the last 15 years pretty much every week, so when the place I play asked me to do a bit of reffing for them after they found out I'd qualified I agreed.

First few times I went were ok, but the last couple have been a nightmare. They don't use cards only sin-bin which doesn't work as there is no consequence in the long term. The minute they give you grief you stop the game and give them a talking to, if they carry on send them off for 5 mins, they're back on and you're completely undermined.

Admittedly the last time I sent one off he was particularly bad and I told him he wouldn't come back on, but he just kept mouthing off and threatening everybody in sight. What a kn0b he was. In the end I threatened his team mates I'd abandon the game if they didn't get him under control and they'd loose 10-0.

They payed no attention and he carried on so I kept my promise and they went mental when I abandoned. Next thing I know they're on their second game (each team plays two games a night in this league), the mouthy tw@t was back on and instantly giving the new ref grief from the off. New ref was a bit intimidated so just let him carry on unchecked, but he ran riot.

Any tips?
A&H International
Couldn't agree more with @Brian Hamilton had nothing but agro when I did it.

Turned up one night to be told security would be watching my last game of the night. Should have walked away then, anyway got to my last game, took about 15 seconds for all hell to break lose, player even pulled a knife, vowed never to go back. In my experience, these leagues allow those that have been suspended from 11 a side to play still
What makes you say that Brian?
Apart from Ross' comment above I have heard some real horror stories from well organised commercial 5 a side football in and around the centre of my county.

You place 10 players in and area about the same size as a penalty area where right midfield is constantly is in the face of left midfield of the opposition and the tension rises and rises. It's not like 11 a side where you get large spells in a game where two players in conflict might not see each other for 30 minutes. The conflicting players are rarely more than 15-20 yards apart. It is like caged football.

When you do deal with an issue you sin bin a player and he comes back, still raging at the opponent and definitely raging at you. Player actions before the game are rarely controlled. Often they are tied around all day "corporate" events where office bound heroes takes on other highly charged testosterone junkies, none of whom would last 5 minutes in 11 a side. Tie in the fact that these events are built around impressing the client, impressing their girlfriends and imbibing a lot of alcohol and it's a recipe for disaster.

That's before you start to consider the disciplinary aspects of the game where commercial considerations outweigh dealing with troublesome (and often dangerous) players. By that I mean players who would be suspended for a long time in 11 a side being allowed to continue playing under often strange in house rules.

It's a 'mare
True, I think you make a few good points there Brian as usual.

I suppose the commercial side is one huge side of thing, 11a-side being largely not for profit don't need to worry about the financial impact of banning troublesome teams/players, where as a business driven by as many participants as possible will be.

I think I'll give it one more chance and change my strategy before I pack it in.