7 - 6 Exam


Well-Known Member
Level 6 Referee
Anyone got a copy of the 7 to 6 promotion exam??
wouldn't mind running through it to settle some nerves haha
A&H International
Callum, the only people likely to have a copy are RDOs/RDMs, The FA and possibly some senior tutors. I don't think they would risk their positions by sharing them with prospective promotion candidates. My earlier post was meant to illustrate that there's more than one version of the examination, so learning the answers just to pass, might be fruitless, if you learned the wrong paper. Why not just go and learn all of the laws and how to apply them by watching senior colleagues, taking advice and working on your game. That will make you a better referee than a short cut via a crib sheet.
I think you misunderstood me Brian...
I was looking to do a practise paper to basically see how I did and if there are any specific areas i need to improve on with regards to my knowledge of law.
I wasn't asking for papers to cheat with, I assumed they changed the exam questions every year and therefore getting hold of past papers would be relatively easy (much like with A-Levels or GCSEs), and an efficient way of revising. When you asked which type of Exam i wanted i assumed the FA must have changed the method of examination fairly recently
Hope you didnt think i was a cheat....
word of warning for grayson's offering, callum, most but not all of the answers are correct

as for ross's - is it fair to say that the answer to 1 could be 'c' or 'd' depending on how you interpret the question? do they mean 'deliberately' blocking?

p.s. unfortunately, i think that your last question could be deemed rhetorical :( ...tho, to be fair, they probably didn't have past papers when Brian was at school ;)

once they have you marked down as a pool fan, you're marked down for life :)
I think you misunderstood me Brian...
I was looking to do a practise paper to basically see how I did and if there are any specific areas i need to improve on with regards to my knowledge of law.
I wasn't asking for papers to cheat with, I assumed they changed the exam questions every year and therefore getting hold of past papers would be relatively easy (much like with A-Levels or GCSEs), and an efficient way of revising. When you asked which type of Exam i wanted i assumed the FA must have changed the method of examination fairly recently
Hope you didnt think i was a cheat....
They only have 2 versions of the paper at each stage of progress as far as I know (7-6 and 6-5). They are not freely available. Revise to expand your knowledge not be able to answer a very tight strand of questions.
word of warning for grayson's offering, callum, most but not all of the answers are correct

as for ross's - is it fair to say that the answer to 1 could be 'c' or 'd' depending on how you interpret the question? do they mean 'deliberately' blocking?

p.s. unfortunately, i think that your last question could be deemed rhetorical :( ...tho, to be fair, they probably didn't have past papers when Brian was at school ;)

once they have you marked down as a pool fan, you're marked down for life :)
We had past papers when I did the 11+ back in 73/74 - so long ago it's all a blur
Covered myself in personal glory last thursday by being the only promotion candidate in a class of 19 to get 35 out of 35 on the test. Mind you, i probably set my career back 5 years by pointing out that one of the questions was wrong

you win some, you lose some :)
Covered myself in personal glory last thursday by being the only promotion candidate in a class of 19 to get 35 out of 35 on the test. Mind you, i probably set my career back 5 years by pointing out that one of the questions was wrong

you win some, you lose some :)
No one likes a smart arse :)

But sounds exactly like something I would do so good on ya ;)
Well done Clayt.
Make sure to stay on top of your admin as that's the easy bit in a promotion season.
Don't answer the questions by what you'd do. Answer what you should do. There shouldn't be a difference but we all know that theory and practice aren't the same.