A few talking points......


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Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
First one, the Cazorla dive.

2nd, don't think Roger East was fully at the races today.

A&H International
1st. Blatant dive, was quite obvious with the way he went down

2nd. Was just a 1960s re run wasn't it? Don't let them tv bosses let you believe that was a modern day game with those tackles!
Oh and 3rd. Credit to Swansea for having the guy removed within around 10 mins of the Bassong incident
From watching East's performance, it looks like he may have been told by assessor's/higher, that he is being too card happy. So he went the other way and didn't show any. He then made himself look very silly.
That one game could cost him his PL promotion.
1: Conned, plain and simple. Blatant dive ONLY on replay. Real time looked like a penalty.
1. have a look for what carzola said before, sometime you dive to get a decision was something along the lines of what he said. Arteta comes out after the game defending him saying he'd never dive, think they crossed wires somewhere
2. when i saw it i knew he was having one of them days.
1) Discraseful Dive, should be suspened by the FA (It's the only way they'll learn)
2) Roger East must have been thinking it was a game in the 70's with some challenges that went in!