Open Age A lot of confidence in me


Everyone's Favourite Member
17 Y/O, first season in OA, had 4 middles already resulting in 18 yellows and 3 reds. Been involved on the line in senior county level games too.

Just been given a very late appointment for tomorrow afternoon, Division One (just below Premier) in the county league, massive local rivalry between these two teams, fixture between them last season ended with 9 yellows and 3 straight reds, one SFP, two VC.

Not sure if the league have an awful lot of confidence in me (too much maybe?) or they're just really desperate to find a ref willing to take this one on. :D
A&H International
Lo and behold, kind of as expected, email from ref sec:

"Due to the nature of the game and rivalry we've found another more experienced ref"

Just looked and he's a 4. Kind of expected it to be honest :D kind of surprised they didn't throw assistants on this one too, they usually do with these types of derby games. hmm.
Its probably because the Kent County FA are loving the extra income ;) the Kent FA Xmas party has gone from a pub to trip abroad!

Who cares if it is a late appointment, games like that offer great experience so enjoy it. If its like the last game as you say the referee has a hard day ahead of him! Its a good league, the Kent County... I used to play for Charlton Athletic Community FC many years ago! We were in the Premier Division.
Its probably because the Kent County FA are loving the extra income ;) the Kent FA Xmas party has gone from a pub to trip abroad!

Who cares if it is a late appointment, games like that offer great experience so enjoy it. If its like the last game as you say the referee has a hard day ahead of him! Its a good league, the Kent County... I used to play for Charlton Athletic Community FC many years ago! We were in the Premier Division.

See above post. :D

To be fair although a bit disheartened at first I do completely understand. Raised my own eyebrows when I got the original email to say it was mine.

Too right though, I've made... well, rather, the players and coaches I've refereed recently, have made Kent FA very wealthy. Probably enough to pay for their monthly staff holiday ;)