abandoned game


Active Member
Yesterday i abandoned me 1st ever game, it was a schools cup final..
Ball is played into the penalty area and goalkeeper comes and puches the ball out but when the keeper jumped his knee came up and the player ran straight into his knee. I saw the player was in touble so i stopped play and called the manager on. Before the manager got to him he said to me i cannot breath the colour then drained from his face he then grabbed ahold of be and collapsed to the ground but was not breathing. i checked his pulse and it was ok but still not breathing i tapped him on the cheek a few times and he started beathing and came around. But then started coughing up blood. an abmbulance had been called and while the ambulance staff were trating him i decided it wouldnt be a good idea to continue the game as we were only 15 mins into the game.
Meanwhile the goalkeeper was sobbing his heart out

I think i made the right decision as schools football is more about the taking part and not the final result. it will be replayed at a latter date.
A&H International
I'd have done the exact same Paul. I've abandoned an open age game for similar reasons
Sounds like the correct decision. Unless medically trained I would not have touched the player though, especially a school child