The Ref Stop

Accrington Disallowed Goal


New Member
I assume a few of you may have seen this, but for those who haven't there's a link at the bottom of the post. For those who can't view it, I'll describe what happens.

Basically, Accrington play the ball into the box. Player turns and shoots, and the ref blows for half-time just before the ball crosses the line. Cue massive protests from the Accrington players, incensed that the ref hasn't allowed the goal to go in before blowing. Ref responds by pointing to his watch, probably indicating that time was up and that was that.

Never seen this before, but I'd definitely be giving the goal in that situation. Sheer stupidity to blow the whistle after a player takes a shot inside the box.
The Ref Stop
I'm pretty sure there is nothing in the LOTG that stipulate the referee must let play Continue if player/team get a chance or shot on goal.

Now, I'm not saying that I would have blown up before the shot was taken, and disallowed the goal, but the ref certainly wasn't wrong in law to do so.
I have a feeling of Deja Vu! There was a similar discussion on this recently, with some admitting to have blown the whistle in similar circumstances.

For me, at that level of the game it's exceptionally poor refereeing! Whilst technically not incorrect, realistically you either bring play to a halt before it gets anywhere near the box or allow the attack to play out then blow the whistle. Blowing for time when someone is mid-shot inside the box is crazy!
As per the LOTG he is entitled to blow up, HOWEVER you are creating a rod for your own back if you decide to blow up when he did. I'm sure the second half wasn't a pleasant experience. I'll be interested to know what the assessor said afterwards
Ruddy hell this is bad. Mid shot in the area? Just blow up 2 seconds laters after the ball crosses the line!
The other extreme is refs that wait for goal kicks to be taken before blowing up in mid air when they could have just blown when the ball went out for a goal kick.
I haven't seen the clip but from descriptions it sounds like the referee blew the whistle at the precise second that time elapsed resulting in disallowed goal. Controversial - but is anyone prepared to support the referee as being technically correct?
I haven't seen the clip but from descriptions it sounds like the referee blew the whistle at the precise second that time elapsed resulting in disallowed goal. Controversial - but is anyone prepared to support the referee as being technically correct?
I'm fairly sure two people pretty much have already, or at least they've pointed out that he's not technically incorrect, although they don't necessarily agree with his course of action. So at best a fairly equivocal support, I suppose.
Crikes, I can only assume there would of been at least SOME additional time to add on. Just make that additional time a second or two longer. Blowing for time as they enter the box is one thing, as the ball is heading towards the net is another. As mentioned above, I would love to see the assessor report, nothing he can be penalised for in regards to the LOTG, but if ever common sense is needed?
The walk to the changing room, knowing you're gonna cop it...

You must know you dropped a nut after doing that
In the referee's defence, I'd feel pretty safe blowing for half time if Billy Kee was about to shoot ;)

*disclaimer* NOT TRUE, Billy was a decent striker at Burton but with Trevor Kettle, not a lot surprises me anymore.
I don't know Trevor Kettle but I'm not sure he'd like being called out on an internet forum by a group of officials who have yet to reach the level he has attained.

Also, I don't know about you but I think I made at least 4 mistakes in my game this morning. Fortunately, I didn't have any cameras there (apart from the Yorkshire Evening Post's football correspondent).
I don't know Trevor Kettle but I'm not sure he'd like being called out on an internet forum by a group of officials who have yet to reach the level he has attained.

Also, I don't know about you but I think I made at least 4 mistakes in my game this morning. Fortunately, I didn't have any cameras there (apart from the Yorkshire Evening Post's football correspondent).

We do this every Monday.
This is different from a judgment call Brian, it's just a brain fart.
Plus I got 5 mistakes in this morning easy
We do this every Monday.
This is different from a judgment call Brian, it's just a brain fart.
Plus I got 5 mistakes in this morning easy
It's not the highlighting of the error that bothers me, it's the snide remarks such as
"Trevor Kettle....say no more."
"Always seems to find himself on the wrong end of a decision for some reason :confused:"
"...with Trevor Kettle, not a lot surprises me anymore"