The Ref Stop



Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Usually I use Refsix to referee from my Apple Watch (I’m sure most of you are aware what it is) I have not used paper for a long time properly. At half time I usually right down the number of individual players who are on ‘thin ice’, but apart from that, I don’t really use my notebook. I have lost the little sheets that come within it so have just put some paper on there- two halves to it. One half is drawn into another half for the scores and the other half of the paper has the captains names and teams etc (it is literally a piece of paper with some writing on- nothing brought online etc)
Apart from captains names and what have you, anything else I should write? I have write on yellow cards so that’s sorted. Any other general advice?
Thank you!
The Ref Stop
Usually I use Refsix to referee from my Apple Watch (I’m sure most of you are aware what it is) I have not used paper for a long time properly. At half time I usually right down the number of individual players who are on ‘thin ice’, but apart from that, I don’t really use my notebook. I have lost the little sheets that come within it so have just put some paper on there- two halves to it. One half is drawn into another half for the scores and the other half of the paper has the captains names and teams etc (it is literally a piece of paper with some writing on- nothing brought online etc)
Apart from captains names and what have you, anything else I should write? I have write on yellow cards so that’s sorted. Any other general advice?
Thank you!
50 printed record cards £2.25 on e-Bay . . . and if not willing to buy will show you what info you need . . .
50 printed record cards £2.25 on e-Bay . . . and if not willing to buy will show you what info you need . . .
I would be willing to buy them, yes! I was just wondering as my game is tomorrow morning and I didn’t have my Apple Watch charger so my watch was dead but I have found it now. All this is still relevant to me as I feel I should get to know about writing on note pads rather than just always on my watch and just in case I can’t use my watch for one game!
Am going to be wide here, is the idea of using Refsix not to negate the use of paper?

if so, is it not defeating the purpose of the app by, erm using paper?

if not, forget i typed anything
Am going to be wide here, is the idea of using Refsix not to negate the use of paper?

if so, is it not defeating the purpose of the app by, erm using paper?

if not, forget i typed anything
I needed the paper because I didn’t think I was going to have my Apple Watch as I couldn’t find the charger for it and it was dead but I found it last night so it’s good now! I only really use paper at half time for little notes to write down about players like if they’re on thin ice etc apart from that I don’t use both paper and ref six👍