The Ref Stop

Alledging Racism as a verbal insult


Politically Incorrect
Was 4th official at Youth County Cup Final yesterday (U18). Red v Green.

Was a good game all in all, with tackles flying from both sides and tensions running high. First half only one caution (R17) for FT.

Second half R17 fouled, red blows for fk to red, R17 alleges kick from green opponent and gets up angrily. Mass Confrontation ensues, all handbags, ref calms it down, warns both players to calm down.

R17 just won't let it go, gets at least one additional warning to shut up, still going, eventually gets second caution and subsequent red.

He returns to home bench, where ordinarily I would have made sure he left FOP, but am very conscious if sent to changing rooms he will be completely alone amongst everybody's kit etc in all unlocked changing rooms etc, and he doesn't seem the type for rational thought.

Call ref over before restart of play (original FK was right in front of me), ask if he wants me to eject from dugout or is happy to leave him. He's happy to leave him as long as he's quiet.

Game continues, as FK is taken I go over to the bench he's sat at and tell the player and his manager the ref is ok with him in dugout provided he calms down, is quiet and causes no trouble.

Over the next few minutes he's talking to the other subs about how it's not his fault, was treated harshly blah, blah, blah, before finishing the sentence with 'this ref, he's just a racist'. (Player is mixed race - as are half the players on the pitch)

At that point I've heard enough, walk a few steps into the dugout, grab the managers and players attention and tell him very firmly 'I suggest you think incredibly carefully about what you're saying here, because you're about to make a very serious allegation. If you want to make a genuine complaint you must follow the right channels, however if this is driven purely by frustration from the game I suggest you stop right there and do not utter another word.'

Never heard another peep out of him.

Of course, this in my opinion is completely untrue, the referee concerned I have met a number of times and have never seen an inkling of such a thing.

I told the ref after the game I would be reporting the player for his remarks and suggested he cover it in his report, he was horrified by such a remark.

My point is this - in my opinion an openly false allegation of racism is to me as bad as racism itself.

Why should some people think it is acceptable to use these allegations as a tool to verbally abuse or chastise others?
The Ref Stop
Why should some people think it is acceptable to use these allegations as a tool to verbally abuse or chastise others?

Probably for the same reason that some people think it is acceptable to verbally abuse or chastise people of another race
If I was refereeing and a player accused me of racism, he'd be walking. I agree that it's just as bad as racism because automatically playing that card is, itself, quite racist.