Angleterre v Belgique

Purely based on FIFA rankings.
'Top half' average ranking 13.88
'Bottom half' average ranking 21.25
Final - Brazil Vs. Switzerland, Brazil to win.
Third place - Portugal Vs. Spain, Portugal to win.

5 of the 8 highest ranked teams are in the top half. Just 1 in the bottom half. Missing teams are Germany and Poland.

Maybe it's my perception on things but I feel as though the better teams so far are in the bottom half and the dross is in the top.
World Rankings were very predictive in the last World Cup, however if the rankings had been used as a guide for betting purposes this time round, heavy losses would have been incurred over the last few weeks!
A&H International
World Rankings were very predictive in the last World Cup, however if the rankings had been used as a guide for betting purposes this time round, heavy losses would have been incurred over the last few weeks!
I have a method which would have yielded 27 wins from 44 bets. But I've no idea if that would give a positive ROI, produce a value A/E or have a solid Archie score to make it a valid system.
How about when the tournament kicked off you could get around 7/2 for a penalty in a game so put £1 on get £4.50 back.

Now you would do well to find 7/4 for a penalty £1 on gets you £2.75 back.

But it wasn’t until around 10 or so pens into the tournament that they decided to slash the prices of a penalty.

Think there has been 18 pens so far not sure how many games have had pens as some have had more than 1 but I would imagine if you had of staked £1 per game in the group stages for a penalty to be awarded then you would almost certainly be in profit.
How about when the tournament kicked off you could get around 7/2 for a penalty in a game so put £1 on get £4.50 back.

Now you would do well to find 7/4 for a penalty £1 on gets you £2.75 back.

But it wasn’t until around 10 or so pens into the tournament that they decided to slash the prices of a penalty.

Think there has been 18 pens so far not sure how many games have had pens as some have had more than 1 but I would imagine if you had of staked £1 per game in the group stages for a penalty to be awarded then you would almost certainly be in profit.
At 7/2 you'd expect there to be 10.66 penalties in the 48 games so far.
At 7/4, this increases to 17.45.
I use Actual/Expected (A/E) to assess my value. There's been 24 penalties in 20 games so, 20 is you final figure. Therefore, 7/2 is brilliant value with an A/E of 1.87 (20/10.66) but 7/4 is poor value (albeit profitable) at 1.14.
But all that's in the past, it's the future that matters.
World Rankings were very predictive in the last World Cup, however if the rankings had been used as a guide for betting purposes this time round, heavy losses would have been incurred over the last few weeks!

I can’t say anything about the last World Cup, but FIFA rankings were a poor guide for Euro 2016.

I did some analysis on them - you can read about it in my blog post here: http://www.amathsteacherwrites.co.uk/ranking-the-rankings/

The bottom line is I used something called Spearman Rank Correlation Coffeicient - a value of 1 would show perfect agreement between ranking and final position, a value above about 0.75 ish would suggest good corelation, the actual value turned out to be about 0.34: not much better than random.

But that is one of the beauties of Football, it is the most unpredictable of sports. E.g. the favourites/better team win least often than in other sports, and this is what makes it exciting to watch.
I can’t say anything about the last World Cup, but FIFA rankings were a poor guide for Euro 2016.

I did some analysis on them - you can read about it in my blog post here: http://www.amathsteacherwrites.co.uk/ranking-the-rankings/

The bottom line is I used something called Spearman Rank Correlation Coffeicient - a value of 1 would show perfect agreement between ranking and final position, a value above about 0.75 ish would suggest good corelation, the actual value turned out to be about 0.34: not much better than random.

But that is one of the beauties of Football, it is the most unpredictable of sports. E.g. the favourites/better team win least often than in other sports, and this is what makes it exciting to watch.
You're right! The rankings were pants for Euro 2016
I think 2014 was a one off because teams like USA, Swiss, Chile and Belgium did well
I'm a bit of a gambler you see...