Any help appreciated


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all hope you are all well I’ve just completed the 5 topics on the laws it was just to ask what is next step as I can’t go any further any help appreciated
A&H International
Is this the modules in advance of doing the course?

If so contact your County FA and get yourself booked on a course for the next part. 👍🏻
Hi yes I’ve did the online modules I’ve emailed my county today thank you just all new to me ha glad yous guys are here to help appreciated 👍
Before tbe local course, you will also need to complete the Safeguarding for All online learning - the Referee section of your County FA website should include a link to it, but if not The FA.com website has the link.
Enjoy the course, and welcome to the club👍
Thank mate appreciate the help I haven’t recieved any other links after completing these modules I will look into thanks again 👍