Any point putting match on wholegame if no cards?


RefChat Addict
As the title says,

I've only had 2 cardless matches this season, is there any point in putting them on whole game?
A&H International
I don't know if this applys to every county but in ours we were told that Whole Game only needs to be used to report discipline. If there were no cards during the game then you do not need to submit the match to Whole Game
I always do it as well. If nothing else, the powers that be can see what I've been up to and where.
WGS is slowly becoming mandatory across the county.

The option for no disciplinary action are for those referees who want to keep a full record of all their matches. The WGS can do this. It's also there for when the WGS becomes even more advanced, more similar to MOAS.
Slightly off topic but related. What is the difference between the FA codes Reckless Play and Foul Tackle. If a player tackles recklessly which one do you put? And what would be examples of the other code?
If a player tackles recklessly is c1 Reckless play...

If a player fouls an opponent in order to prevent a promising attack it's c1 Foul tackle

That's my understanding