Arm staying raised for IFK?


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Petty rant incoming. I know its mandatory to keep your arm raised until it touches another player/goes out and it's in the LOTG but why are us refs forced to keep our arm upright for such a ridiculous period of time? There are absolutely no obvious reasons (well, to me) why this is done? It's blindingly obvious when the ball is in play, this annoying prolonged signal seems to have no proper function than to confuse players.
A&H International
So that just in case it goes straight in you have a physical reminder not to award a goal? I would easily forget to be honest!
Petty rant incoming. I know its mandatory to keep your arm raised until it touches another player/goes out and it's in the LOTG but why are us refs forced to keep our arm upright for such a ridiculous period of time? There are absolutely no obvious reasons (well, to me) why this is done? It's blindingly obvious when the ball is in play, this annoying prolonged signal seems to have no proper function than to confuse players.

Because it is the stipulated method of indicating an IDFK. Simples.
If you only raise your arm for a couple of seconds, then take it down and a player looks towards you and thinks must be direct and shoots, scores then you disallow it, a lot of the players would probably come and congratulate you and then you have a problem, but if you keep it raised there can't really be any arguments!
Can't say that it bothers me in the slighest....except on those occasions when I remember immediately afterwards that I forgot to do it ;)
If you only raise your arm for a couple of seconds, then take it down and a player looks towards you and thinks must be direct and shoots, scores then you disallow it, a lot of the players would probably come and congratulate you and then you have a problem, but if you keep it raised there can't really be any arguments!
Suppose, I always get asked anyway, and you could just quickly say to the taker it's indirect just like you'd say "wait for the whistle"? I have a feeling it's only me that finds this a nuisance now
Players other than the 'taker' may want to know / deserve to know whether it's direct or indirect, too.
It shows all the coaches and anyone else watching the game that its indirect. I got asked before by a coach if it was direct all because I didn't put my arm up. Better safe than sorry...
Have to do it. As above.

Its good to do as if ball goes straight in net, a stern stair and a tap of your still raised arm puts the message accross!
There is nothing wrong with raising your arm at the time you give the IFK, then putting your arm down to get in to position then raising your arm again once the freekick is ready to be taken. However, make sure that your arm is raised before the freekick is taken because if it isn't and it goes in to the back of the net then you need to order a retake of the freekick.
There is nothing wrong with raising your arm at the time you give the IFK, then putting your arm down to get in to position then raising your arm again once the freekick is ready to be taken. However, make sure that your arm is raised before the freekick is taken because if it isn't and it goes in to the back of the net then you need to order a retake of the freekick.

Would this not be a goal kick, it's an indirect free kick irrelevant of whether you have your arm raised or not?
There is nothing wrong with raising your arm at the time you give the IFK, then putting your arm down to get in to position then raising your arm again once the freekick is ready to be taken. However, make sure that your arm is raised before the freekick is taken because if it isn't and it goes in to the back of the net then you need to order a retake of the freekick.
Yes there is, you look stupid and awkward doing that
I think you'd look more stupid running to get into position with your arm in the air to be honest.

And no Kieran, the kick is re-taken. The team with the free kick isn't punished for your mistake of not raising your arm to indicate an indirect free kick.
I think you'd look more stupid running to get into position with your arm in the air to be honest.

And no Kieran, the kick is re-taken. The team with the free kick isn't punished for your mistake of not raising your arm to indicate an indirect free kick.
You're quite correct. That's why you should stop play, re-position for the restart, raise your arm and signal the game should be restarted.
You should raise your arm as soon as you stop play though, to indicate that you are awarding an indirect free kick. Obviously if you don't have to move far to reposition then you don't put your arm down as that would look stupid. But if you have to get the other side of the pitch and you see players taking their time I see no problem with putting your arm down to get there.
You should raise your arm as soon as you stop play though, to indicate that you are awarding an indirect free kick. Obviously if you don't have to move far to reposition then you don't put your arm down as that would look stupid. But if you have to get the other side of the pitch and you see players taking their time I see no problem with putting your arm down to get there.
No you shouldn't. You are not a dodgem car, you do not have to move around with your arm up in the air. You have stopped the game, so people know there is an offence. If they ask, you tell them. Players don't know why and aren't interested why indirect free kicks are awarded rather than a direct free kick. They do want to know when the kick is taken, whether it is a direct free kick. So give, move, signal. Do not give, signal, move, re-signal. It looks stupid and awkward.
I think you'd look more stupid running to get into position with your arm in the air to be honest.

And no Kieran, the kick is re-taken. The team with the free kick isn't punished for your mistake of not raising your arm to indicate an indirect free kick.

Ok, wasn't sure on this as I couldn't find in the LOTG.
Just out of interest, Grug, what would you do in such a situation if you knew that Brian was assessing you ;)
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