Assistant Referee Flags


New Member
Level 8 Referee
Who supplies the assistant referee their flags? Does the center ref supply them? If they are supplied by the assistant referee themselves, how do they get their flag to match with the other assistant referee? Is their a standard flag that most use?
A&H International
Referee supplies the flags.

No standard flags used, just two basic assistant flags are needed.
In my youth league its the responsibility of the home team to provide the flags although most managers seem to expect me to bring a pair.

Think most leagues have the ref bring them
You will find in a lot of youth leagues that is the case.

I refereed a league which had the rule for two years when I was 14-16. Not once was I provided with flags.

Play it safe. Take your own.
I have three pairs mate. 2 for CAR's and a pair of Touchline ones for NAR's. I use the premier league touchline flags one for senior etc. CAR's get the 5 quid flags!!
But back to your point (got distracted) the middle ref supplies the flags (or should do)
Here in Canada, youth referees working as ARs are expected to bring their own flag (note singular).

When I'm doing a game with such ARs, I bring a set, just in case they forgot.
Here in Western Australia, everyone brings their flags, we use whoever has the best set (only with NARs of course)