Assistant referee observed.


New Member
Last week I was observed as an assistant on a game where the ref was being assessed. After two or three days i got a report from the observer and turns out I was given 78.

Two questions. 1) What are the marks for an assistant out of?
2) Is 78 a good mark to get for my first ever premier game. (Top division in the league)
A&H International
Yeah, I would be chuffed to bits with a 78 on the line. Average is 72, anything above 74 is considered decent. Level 5-4 refs need to get a minimum average of 73 to be even considered for promotion.

don't be disappointed if your next assessment isn't as good even if your performance was the same. Observers are all different and all have their unique quirks. Some will get their knickers twisted if you are not crabbing all the time, some are more focused on the accuracy of your decisions, some that the technical areas are 'tidy'. It's what make officiating fun!
Do all of this correctly every time and you'll do ok. Not every assistant will have the opportunity to do all of these in one game.

Offside judgement and interpretation
  • Correct offside decisions that can be clearly identified from an appropriate position.
  • Clear distinction between active and passive offside (wait and see "technique")
  • Positioning and movement - level with the second-last defender - smooth movement along the touchline.
  • Concentration. Always facing the field of play not distracted by off the field of play influences.
  • Appropriate signals for offside offences

Support the referee
  • Appropriate signals for fouls and offences committed closer to the assistant than the referee.
  • Appropriate signals for fouls committed closer to the assistant than the referee in the penalty area
  • Does not overrule the referee nor exceed his powers.
  • Help on 9.15m. Distance from the touchline or from the position of the ball (no physical measurement).
  • Assistance on goal line decisions - clear signal in tight situations when the ball just crossed the goal line.
  • Enters the field of play to deal with conflict situations.
  • Correct signals for offences committed behind the referee's back (violent conduct)
  • Appropriate intervention for obvious incorrect decisions by the referee.
  • Appropriate signals for fouls committed within the assistants’ area of credibility.

Technical performance
  • Eye contact with the referee
  • No contradictory signals with the referee (for corner kick/goal kick, different direction on throw-ins, etc.
  • Supports the award of Throw-ins, goal kicks, corner kicks.
  • Clear signals in accordance with the Laws of the Game and guidelines.
  • Good guidance for the location of a foul at the edge of the penalty area (outside or inside the penalty area)
  • Supports the management of behaviour in the technical area
  • Manage correct Substitution Procedure calmly & timely