You might be confusing Salisbury Junior (Michael) with Salisbury Senior (Graham).
I've been refereeing since 2010 and have refereed over 400 matches (including a few periods of injury, and a spell where I was only an AR), and as Michael Salisbury has been refereeing since 2001 I wouldn't be surprised if he has refereed somewhere around double what I have.
A&H International
Always chuckle at a pundit calling a new SG1 referee inexperienced as if they’ve just decided to be a ref to replace the latest 48 year old to call it a day.

Just the 40-odd matches each season for the last 15 years working their way to being promoted to the cream of the crop is it?

Same pundits all jizz their pants over a 17 year old making his debut.

Yes but this is the "big boys league" though according to Shearer so everything else does not count so he's inexperienced. 🙄

All that said though, I did see some interesting comments saying because he is inexperienced at PL level, it would be a massive call/risk on him overruling the VAR(who was an experienced ref at that level) when you consider no other referee has done so for a very long time beforehand so that would no doubt massively weigh on his mind when he went to the screen.