Bacon Vs Barbies

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I simply cant fathom why before that cross comes in, the defender makes his jump but also decides to intentionally handle that ball...
A&H International
I simply cant fathom why before that cross comes in, the defender makes his jump but also decides to intentionally handle that ball...
I'm not sure what day it is anymore!
I get anxious when we can't all agree on fundamentals; like this hand ball shout. I don't like the doubt it imparts on my game!
For those that are saying handball, go to your local park take a run and then jump as high as you can. Get someone to film you and see where your arms end up, they will absolutely not be by your side.

This isn't the referees' fault, rather we have people making laws and giving instructions to referees who have never played the game so have no idea whatsoever what actually happens. Games being decided by an accidental handball where the player couldn't do anything differently is wrong and the law makers and policy advisors need to get a grip and start taking advice from people that actually understand the game of football.
Agree with above. Nothing says arms must be by side or anything either.
Unnatural position is ridiculous also, where on earth are they going to be when you are jumping to defend, not just for extra height, but for protection too
That defender for me does not even have thinking time to choose to deliberatley handle the ball, even if he did want too.

Seems pretty clear cut to me based on the instructions/clips from the FIFA Futuro Course or the UEFA training clips. The arm was extended and above the shoulders.
are their links to the UEFA training clips? I'm always looking for more training resources.
UEFA ones are here

The FIFA ones for 2010-2015 are here. You can download the "Analysis of Match Situations" files.

I'd recommend starting with the UEFA 2017-1 and UEFA 2017-2 ones since they are the most recent and very well organized.

Thanks! I already have the FIFA ones but not the UEFA. Looking forward to getting into those. All training is good :)
I'd argue position would be king.
I'd argue the LotG suggest otherwise:
the position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an offence

For me this was not a case of deliberate handling. In the first place I did not see anything that would suggest intent on the part of the player to handle the ball, meaning the primary requirement of this being the deliberate act of a player making contact with the ball using the hand, has not been met.

When it comes to the first two of the secondary factors the law says the referee must consider, there was no movement of the hand towards the ball (in fact the opposite, the player was pulling his arm away from the ball) and the distance between the last contact by an opponent and the ball striking the player's hand was minimal (making this an unexpected ball leaving no time for the player to get his hand out of the way).

Although the Laws say that the position of the hand is not necessarily indicative, which means for me it is not the most decisive factor, if you are going to consider it, as far as I'm concerned the player's hand was in a natural enough position for a player jumping to try and head the ball.
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I would like the supporters of the unnatural position arguement to clarify what they class as unnatural, as, by definition, unnatural is recognised as. Bizarre, freakish, divergent, and so on
Nobody is going to convince me this defenders arms were any of those.
I would like the supporters of the unnatural position arguement to clarify what they class as unnatural, as, by definition, unnatural is recognised as. Bizarre, freakish, divergent, and so on
Nobody is going to convince me this defenders arms were any of those.
Stop talking so much sense Miley.... I'm getting worried about you this week mate!! :confused:
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