Ball over the line

Tino Best

RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
I reffed an under 15 game today 1-2 to the away team last minute nailed on penalty. That blatant there were no pro tests from the defending team. Anyway during the first half there was a a moment when the attacking home team claimed the ball was over the line. I was close to the incident but not in a position to see. The clubs AR did not signal for a goal, so I allowed play to continue as there was no way I could. I am pretty sure that I got it spot on as there was no prolonged protests from the home team and the goalkeepers reaction was not one of guilt. Any body has any pointers if this occurs again. I did ask the club AR and he said it definatley did not cross as he was on the goal line, but he wasn't but if you cant see it you cant give it. Please discuss.
A&H International
You have to be absolutely sure that the ball was over the line. It is unlikely a club assistant will be of any use in these type of decisions. You got the decision right because you didn't award the goal - don't fret about it unless you are worried you were not placed where you wanted to be. If you were not just remember for next time.
As per team above, if you're not 100% certain that is crossed the line then it didn't.

It's up to you, but I wouldn't be letting a CAR do goal/no goal decisions. Even if it is against their own team, could cause no end of grief especially if they disallow a goal.
Nothing you can do if you can't see it, and better to guess that it hadn't gone in that guess that it had.

I had one last season where a routine back pass to the keeper went badly wrong after it bobbled over her foot. I was on the half way line as expecting her to clear it long, sprinted as far as I could but I was still well outside the penalty area by the time it was scooped clear. I suspected it had gone in, but no way of knowing so had to say that it hadn't.
You can only give what you see and something as important as a GLT decision is very hard at match pace. Its fooled better than us and is no failure if you don't get them all right...You get 3-4 a season that fall into this bracket and its normally a gut feeling for me using experience and basic physics... (using that philosophy though Frank Lampard WC goal wouldn't have been given but hey ho). This is why they eventually brought in GLT at the top levels because its so difficult. Whichever way you pick one side will be miffed so guess well Daniel son!!!
The manager of the team never even mentioned, and at half time and full time there was no questioning of the decision. I asked the CAR at half time to see whether it was in or not, I wouldnt of relied on his word anyway. My positioning was good I was in the right place for the play but not for that decision.
I wouldn't ever trust a club AR to be able to tie his own shoelaces never mind be involved in an important decision like that. Either way, he's biased, and even if he's not, the opposing team will think that if it goes against them. You are there to make honest calls, this is one of them... be brave, be honest, say what you see!!
Just to break the trend on the credibility of CAR's..... Couple of week's ago during my son's U14s match, the home team's CAR flagged for a ball crossing the line after it hit the bar, bounced and come back out again. Referee thank him for his honesty.

As everyone else has said, if your not 100%, you can't give it!

It's surprising how many people claim to know the law regarding ball in/out and yet as soon as the ball touches the goal/touchline, they're the first to start scream it's over! :wall::mad:
had two of these this weekend ...
saturday i was playing, and opposition winger has crossed a ball which hit the far post from him, bounced behind the keeper and got cleared away. Ref awards a goal as the crosser was appealing for such.... we obviously disagreeing.
The ref wasnt in a good position to judge it with 100% certainty, and he admitted to me he gave it because the ball went behind the keeper and therefore he assumed it was in. !
sunday, i was reffing and i similarly was not in a position to judge 100% certainly if a ball had crossed a line and the away team had no AR as they were bare 11 (not that i'd have asked him or her to give me goalline decisions), however, their keeper looked at me,nodded, picked up the ball and threw it out towards the center circle. I was prepared to not give the goal but the keepers reaction left me no option...
(same keeper later fouled a striker in the penalty area, agreed with me that it was a foul but disagreed that it should be a pen ! )
Friday night winger smacks one net rattles, I am looking at it going this isn't right watching where the ball ends up, team of celebrating I watch keeper collect ball from behind the goals, no holes in the nets so I blow bye ball. Striker couldn't understand that the ball had hit fence behind goal and rolled along the back of it not inside it..tried to explain the laws of physics that ball can't pass through the net he just looked at me as if I was talking a foreign language! My fault for being slightly out of position but I knew something wasn't right about how the net rippled!
How can it be a foul in the penalty area and not a penalty (I am assuming here it wasn't an IDFK offence)?

sorry that bit was a little off topic but involved the same keeper.... anyways that was my point... he was agreeing with me that he had fouled the oncoming striker inside the box but was protesting that it shouldnt be a penalty.... his captain put him straight on that point and those within earshot had a good laugh about it, which he took with good grace to be fair
sorry that bit was a little off topic but involved the same keeper.... anyways that was my point... he was agreeing with me that he had fouled the oncoming striker inside the box but was protesting that it shouldnt be a penalty.... his captain put him straight on that point and those within earshot had a good laugh about it, which he took with good grace to be fair
Do love it when their own team put them straight, however sometimes they continue to argue which can be really funny!
Had a lovely situation yesterday. 2 players clearly going for the man and not the ball, their victim cannily puts his foot on the ball to observe said players clatter into each other. Canny player dances round the heap to set up a team mate. took all my self control not to laugh, though it was pleasant asking them if they needed the physio and that would they mind their challenges in future.