:( Balls :(

A&H International
Just be glad you get to leave the house, my missus has given me a list as long as my arm of stuff to do around the house. So thats 10 minutes of my day sorted :D
Just be glad you get to leave the house, my missus has given me a list as long as my arm of stuff to do around the house. So thats 10 minutes of my day sorted :D

Don't! We've just moved and there is stuff everywhere! Spent the last week from 8am - 2am next morning decorating plastering cleaning and building stuff! And after our trip to B&Q, Wyevale, Home base, Toysrus (yay pff) and Sainsburys I get to crack on with some more!

Ding bloody dong!

Play it, play it!
Game called off yesterday, and literally just picked up a game on 4g at 2.30 today, u'18s league.

Screw you eastenders omnibus !!
Mine was on, JUST, this morning. Had to spend 20 minutes chipping in with the pitchfork and the pitch was in a terrible state after it. Sadly the second one this afternoon had worse luck.
I wanted to try and sweep it but the ground beneath was so sodden it just churned up and as the home team have another home game next week I didnt want to destroy pitch.

I must say its very unusual to find a Sunday league council pitch in Hertfordshire without a roof. Just unlucky today I got the one where they forgot to close it last night :p
Game off on Sunday nice & early (Got the call at 8.05am!) so all good.

Mrs PP wanted to take the opportunity to get some early Xmas shopping in.

Was out and about when refs sec wanted me to go to a game round the corner as had a late call off.

I couldn't do it of course as I was too far away by then - ended up being one of the half a dozen games (out of about 100!) that were on in my league!