Basic Referee Course 'Starter Pack'?


New Member
Level 8 Referee
So I'm booked onto my course in a couple of weeks through the Norfolk FA. I see that as part of it I will receive a 'Starter Pack' that includes a full uniform, whistle with lanyard, notebook, cards and linesman's flags.

Just wondered if anyone has recently done the course and received the starter kit? If so, what it's like quality wise? Any good?

Is it one of the Umbro uniforms or will it be some non-branded basic black kit? Is it a decent whistle and notebook set or a cheapo one that’s likely to break within a couple of weeks?!

Basically just wanted to know whether it’s going to be a case of getting the free equipment then pretty much just replacing it with decent stuff straight away and using the original stuff as spares?!


A&H International
I'm not sure hat the quality will be but I doubt it would be umbro stuff, however, I would stick with them untill you know 100% you will carry on reffin :)

Out of interest, how much does the course cost?
I think there must be a shortage of referees in Norfolk as they are doing the course for half price at the moment so it's £65.

I play senior league football but have missed the whole of this season due to injury. I wanted to referee when I finished playing anyway so I figured why not take advantage of the half price offer and do the course whilst I'm injured and can't play!
I did mine last year and that cost me £35, that has gone up a lot, but then again i had to buy my kit and everything
Mine was free. Only a £20 charge for registration and insurance.
Mine was also free, didn't have to pay for affiliation either.
£20 for me when I did it 7 years ago. Received YC & RC and AFA badge. Big changes since though. Didn't have to do 6 games to finish qualification or the Module 5. Didn't receive any kit either.

Good lucky and enjoy buddy, from a fellow ex-gk!
and another reason why their a shortage is that for one they have changed it to your local county fa office and in Birmingham county fa alone they stopped the courses till now
Are you sure you are getting free uniform as my course stated a free starter kit....it consisted of a whistle,match sheets and a pencil and I paid £120! I have just got everything I need...kit/flags etc for another £110!
I am on a course currently. The registration fee was £135. As far as I'm aware we have to buy everything, they just tell you where to get it from.