Belting pair of Player comments....


RefChat Addict
Just remembered this beauty from yesterday.

Keeper makes a save with his face, stays down and rolls straight to his left back so I blow up. After a minute or so, he's fine to carry on. I call to get ball back and it rolls to goalkeeper who goes to set it up for a free kick....

Comment Number One

Me 'It's not a free kick'
GK 'Why not?'
Me 'You don't get a free kick for saving it with your face?'
GK 'Why?'

Comment Number Two

So I inform him it's a drop ball, CB now gets involved - may I add that the opposition CF is waiting to play it back to the keeper at this point!

CB 'It's not a drop ball....give us the ball back'
Me 'That's what he's doing, I just have to do the drop ball.'
CB 'No you can't do drop balls unless there's two people in it. It's the rules'

A&H International
This was from a team in the Premier Division....

Means nothing - there is a "Premier Division" in one league in my county with less than 10 teams...one of whom is the 'reserve' side of another in the same division.

Shame really as it used to be quite a strong competition, but has sadly drifted.
From a manager on Sunday "How many legs ref?"

As I was AR on that side soooooo tempted to reply with a "witty" comment, but managed to say silent & professional (for a change!;))
Not sure why people are surprised anymore by what players say....we all know that most of them have the intellectual prowess of a mouldy grape.....

It's not fair of us to expect them to actually have any knowledge of the laws governing the game they play.
Oh Padders, you have such a low opinion of the players and the officials that are involved with clubs, it makes me wonder why you bother reffing?
In fairness DB you are fairly unique in that you are sill an active player AND k ow the lotg. :)

I myself was pretty ignorant of the actual lotg when I was playing....
Oh Padders, you have such a low opinion of the players and the officials that are involved with clubs, it makes me wonder why you bother reffing?

Because can you imagine the farce that would result if these people were left to referee their own games?

They don't realise it, but without us referees they wouldn't really have much of a game to enjoy.

There are some players, who whilst still wallowing in ignorance of the laws, actually want to go out and have a game of football, and it for those players that I do this. The players that just want to kick crap out of their opponents, and shout abuse at all and sundry.....well, actually i do it for them as well.....because sooner or later they'll get fed up with being banned and fined so will either change their ways or stop playing.....either way a win/win for all of us!
@SM I'll be honest, despite playing for years previously, I've learnt more about the laws of the game (and interpretations) over the last six months than I did in the previous 12 years. Laws I've learnt from reading the books, interpretations I've mainly grasped from reading posts on this forum, which is why I appreciate almost every thread. In the situations when a question is asked where I'm not sure of the answer, I then go on to read about it within the LOTG to grasp the concept, and the read the posts on here to grasp the interpretation.

I'm organising another NRC course In April to again try to decrease the referee shortage here in Cornwall, I've even recommended it to those still actively playing so they can see a different side to the game. Sometimes, that's all it takes to change some attitudes.

I've been speaking to a close friend of mine who played a good standard down here 2 seasons ago; he's a very,very good player. He swapped his playing shirt for a ref shirt and has done a fantastic job in the process, he won the award last season for the best ref in Cornwall (club marks/assessors marks). Not bad at all for two seasons work. I think he will go on to referee some very good, high standard games in the future. I'd like to go that way, which is why I'll be reffing full time as of next season, although I do 2-3 games a week at the moment, I'll get an extra game on Saturdays.
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Oh Padders, you have such a low opinion of the players and the officials that are involved with clubs, it makes me wonder why you bother reffing?

He's a bit right though. The stupidity of some players astounds me.
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Because can you imagine the farce that would result if these people were left to referee their own games?

They don't realise it, but without us referees they wouldn't really have much of a game to enjoy.

There are some players, who whilst still wallowing in ignorance of the laws, actually want to go out and have a game of football, and it for those players that I do this. The players that just want to kick crap out of their opponents, and shout abuse at all and sundry.....well, actually i do it for them as well.....because sooner or later they'll get fed up with being banned and fined so will either change their ways or stop playing.....either way a win/win for all of us!

Did you know that players DID use to referee their own games, disputes were settled by the captains until it became more and more common for the captains to not agree so they referred disputes to a person on the sideline ....the referee was born!
Even worse are the players who are falsely convinced of their thorough knowledge of the laws and have no hesitation in reminding you. Ignorance, certainly, but it actually takes considerable intelligence to invent laws in the spur of the moment to suit one's situation!

On the subject of uncontested dropped balls, albeit accepted procedure, I used to fear something would go terribly wrong until I read recently that Fifa had amended the law (2012, I believe) so that goals could not be scored directly from dropped balls, i.e. like indirect free kicks, a goal kick or corner follows, depending on which team had the last touch. It's when other attackers don't get the message that problems can ensue!
Er... wait. Can't score directly from goal kicks? And what's a "corner follow"?
I'm not sure if you're being serious but in case you were, what he is saying is that with dropped balls, as with indirect free kicks, if the ball goes directly into the goal, the referee should award either a goal kick or corner kick.