Best decision ever


Politically Incorrect
There are a few threads on here about ****-ups or howlers, but what about your best, regardless of importance in the game or a defining the outcome?

One you really remember thinking to yourself 'wow, that was a good call'. I'll kick off....

Game a few weeks ago, Red v Blue. Red 1-0 up, last 10 mins. Blue corner, headed out to edge of the box by red defender, drops to feet of blue 7 on edge of the box.

Now this was a freakishly windy day, which had made the game tough. I maintained my position around the penalty mark as blue 7 shoots, and made a mental note as he took it that if there was a rebound off the keeper, blue 3 was offside on the initial shot.

Anyway, pretty much straight away it was obvious the shot was high and hard, normally a row-zedder. But not today. Shooting into the wind, the wind lifts the ball up into the sky, holds it for what seems like an eternity before dropping it on the six yard line, right to blue 3's feet.

I wait for him to touch the ball and blow for offside. Que a mass of bemused faces on both players' faces. I quickly explain to them Blue 3 was offside when the initial shot was taken, and the player himself looks like he'd seen a ghost as he utters 'he's right, I was'.

Perhaps incredibly uneventful for the players, but I felt a great call and it won respect of the players for what initially seemed an odd decision.
A&H International
I can't believe the player was so accepting of your decision ! But still, good call :)

I would say a good offside call was mine... Back end of last season green v red - local mens legue: red winning 1-0 with 2 mins to go and if red had anything less than a win would relagate them (i heard the manager reminding the players in the pre-match). 3 mins to go, ball hoofed up the field, I busted a gut to keep up, managed to get there just in time to see the green striker shoot from outside the box but the other green striker was stood just offside. The ball hits the bar and the green striker heads in. Green team start going mental red team look deflated. They then realise I've blown for the offside.

The green manager said and I quote "you *******, I thought you'd miss that - every bugger else did apart from me and you I think"... The red manager was just so happy he just thanked me for getting such a crucial decision right... I was on cloud 9 that day and even ended up having quite a few pints with them afterwards haha !
Not necessarily my best but very pleased last Sunday with a particular caution and advantage in my cup final. First half blue 4 has had a few tickings off. Yellows are on the counter, blue 4 takes him out but not before ball played out to winger. Winger crosses centre forward scores and then I cautioned blue 4. Walking off at half time past the 'referees corner' and lots of praise for the advantage and caution.

Always great to get the decisions spot on on the big stage.
1 of 2 for me, very different ones too!

Final assessment for L4. Ball's being brought out of defence by centre back when he's recklessly tripped by opposing striker, around halfway line. Ball rolls through to quick centre mid who beats 2 defenders, the keeper and slots home. I'm sprinting down field, arms out in front, yelling 'advantage' as loudly as I can.
Before kick-off, call offender in, caution correctly and all happy. Assessor loving life, me buzzing!!

Other one was first game back in England following 4 months work in USA. Hadn't done any fitness or pre-season games and had given myself a month to prepare. However, got a phone call 2 days after landing begging me to do a County Cup game as they were short. No AR's, all on my own!
As you can imagine, I'm struggling late on. Legs feel weak, body feels tired and concentration starting to wander, with >5 on the clock.
Team 'A' have a corner. Keeper catches it and smashes it upfield. Miles.
I'm chasing after it like a man possessed. Defender and striker chasing ball down to opposite corner flag (so not even CAR side) when there's a double deflection, final touch of defender and I give corner. I'd sprinted 95+ yards to get there and gave the corner from about 4 yards away. Compliments from players & managers about my fitness and how I was in position to give it.

Not a KMI by any stretch, but damn it felt good!!!
Its often the little things that matter, 2 from one of my "best" games a few years back.

U16 cup match between two teams who obviously hated each other, fixture sec had even said to me, "You'll need to be at your best for this one."

Some odd texts received before the match from one side asking if I was indeed a league appointed ref all added to the "anticipation".

Match was on astro turf and went like a dream.

Small incident - quick break, I'm sprinting to keep up. snap shot from outside area, gk makes a wonderful finger tip save...just.

Gave the corner and spectator says "How did you spot THAT - well done"

Just starting to relax as game nears its end, when there was a late tackle and some handbags - thought it was going to kick off but isolated the two players, calmed then down and issued two yellow cards.

Final few minutes went off without incident - a good days work that I still look back on with no little satisfaction.