bla bla from Yaya

A&H International
If anything Pawson was WAY too lenient with both Toure & Kompany, and should have booked Toure.....he was constantly moaning and in Pawson's face......If I remember correctly he even brought Kompany in to a bollocking with Toure, clear final warning.....then did nothing the next time Toure starts up.

From my position on the half way line, I couldn't tell whether that cross was in or out........thankfully the AR raised his flag to ensure a thoroughly enjoyable day all round.
I agree. I don't think Pawson and crew had a bad day really....one penalty shout each, niether a goer for me in full speed, and then this goal kick moment from the AR...ok in slow mo it is a micro meter still in but it's so close you can't fault a call either way. Think the announcing team were really unfair to the AR...Rio said he would be "chasing the AR down the tunnel"...really? to do what?

I hope yaya is fined for this comment about playing with no ref. It's obviously stupid but will no doubt trickle down to our games.