Bolton v Stoke - The back pass, then quick free kick


Forum VAR
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Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Only caught this on MOTD 2 last night, but did anyone see it?

Was it a back pass? Would you have allowed the quick free kick to be taken?

Thoughts please

Personally, i didn't see a problem with either, although think id be having second thoughts about allowing the quick free kick at my local park though
A&H International
I personally wouldn't allow these to be taken quickly - but that's me, i think we're all different on this one......on the was it or not question, TBH, that one could have gone either way and i'd imagine if it wasn't given there wouldn't have been many complaints!
It was all Begovic's fault - he caught the back pass, and then he gave the ball up too easily to Klasnic. If I was in Pulis' position I'd be going mental too!
If it's inside the PA or within five yards of it, I would be making the FK ceremonial just to avoid all the hoopla.