The Ref Stop

Brand new, needing advice.


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Good evening
Maybe this has been posted so many times. But I've just got my laws of the game book and tmstraight away it looks a right task !

Does anyone have any advice on how to take in all the rules in a 2 week period ?

Just seems too much
The Ref Stop
If you have played or been involved in the game, you would know a lot of it already. If you are studying it for laws of the game exam, it's not too different to when studying for a school or uni exam. Highlight the bits that you didn't know or you think is important to know.

Make sure you memorise all the lists in Law 12, direct free kicks, indirect free kicks, cautionable offences, send off offences, unsporting behaviour offences...

Good luck
Law 12. Careless/reckless/excessive force and all the offences.

If you have a test then try

If you don’t have a test remember you leagues might have some specifics depending on where you are: sin bins/no sin bins, normal subs/rolling subs etc
There is a handy free app version of the book available for both apple and android devices. Just search in the App Store or Play Store for IFAB and it should come up. I find the app really handy as I can use it on the go whenever I’ve got a spare five minutes.
It comes with practice, try and not read them when your tired, the brain takes in more in the morning I’m told!!

Hmm I always found that reading just before bedtime means I can recall much better. Always used to work when I needed to learn play scripts as well!
The laws look daunting, but they aren't too bad.

Try revising one or two laws a day, there are some online resources which can help with your revision, but they aren't always upto date with the most recent law changes.
12 is probably one of the key ones.

Try not to bother with stuff you're not going to be tested on at grassroots for now. You don't need to know about VAR for example. Unless you're playing in a place that has VAR at grassroots, in which case I'd like to come along and watch. :P
I've read through once and literally not as bad as I thought it would be ! Thank god ! Is it mainly law 12 that the level 7 exam is on ?