Brass Rat :)


Next Weeks Ref
The football fan walks into a souvenir shop in Hamelin, home of the legendary Pied Piper, while on holiday in Germany, and his eye is caught by an ornamental brass rat. He thinks "That'll be perfect for my mother-in-law's birthday", so he asks the shopkeeper how much it is. "€20 for the rat and €200 for the story", replies the shopkeeper. ”No story”, says the tourist, and just hands over the €20 note.

As he is walking away from the shop, he realises a live rat has appeared and is following him at a discreet distance. Then another, and another, and soon there is a squeaking procession behind him. He’s terrified but fortunately he’s arrived at a bridge over the famous River Weser. Without a moment’s hesitation, he throws the brass rat into the waters below. To his astonishment all the other rats leap into the water like lemmings.

The man quickly turns and makes his way back to the shop.

“I thought you’d be back”, the shopkeeper says knowingly. “I suppose you want to invest €200 in the story now”.

“No way” says the man. “I just wondered if you had any brass referees . . . .”
The Referee Store