Busy week...


The avuncular one
So, game on Tuesday, a tasty division 2 fixture. Next Saturday, my first top division match, buzzing for this - this is the fruit of getting promoted - Games in the top division!

Then Sunday morning, county fitness test. That afternoon a ladies premier league game.

This is why I took up the whistle! Very excited. :D bring it on baby!
A&H International
Its the uefa version. 4 x 50 (or is it. 40?) metres in 7 seconds. (Not an issue). 150 metre In 35 seconds - 45 sec walk for 50 metres repeat 16 times.

Without any injuries - no issues. Let's hope I don't pick any up before the test.
Its the uefa version. 4 x 50 (or is it. 40?) metres in 7 seconds. (Not an issue). 150 metre In 35 seconds - 45 sec walk for 50 metres repeat 16 times.

Without any injuries - no issues. Let's hope I don't pick any up before the test.
No, isn't it 6 x 40 in 7 seconds?
Next weekend I've got 3 small sides games on Saturday morning. Sunday is my first 11 a side fixture of the league season followed by the last cricket fixture of the season!!
All set for the weekends madness. Some interval training last night despite still suffering the after effects of the worlds mildest concussion (bang in the head in work) - rest tonight and game tomorrow afternoon.

Bring it on.
And I am done. Fitness test today -check. Games yesterday and today - check.

Get in there.

I am, however, now a little bit lame. :)

Couple of days rest will sort that out.
Dear goodness I am stiff today. Thighs have got serious delayed onset muscle soreness. Calf muscles are great though, which is a relief as I have had serious calf issues in past seasons.

I was looking through the GPS data for the fitness test. My fastest recorded sprinting speed was 29.1 km/hr over 40 metres. Every one of my 6 sprints was easily inside 6 seconds. Not bad for 38 years old (if the gps is to be believed that is for fastest speed)