Bye bye CR7

Ciley Myrus

RefChat Addict
Dont have the link yet but am sure someone can or will post
Given Utd were being humped, I watched the 2nd half of Juve Ajax instead, and Ajax wiped the floor with Juve, but, in the last min, Ronaldo lunged in with an, orange, card tackle...

Pure fustration, knowing his team were out, needless lunge at half way, I went red at the time, I actually think Ronaldo, being slightly narcisstic, wanted a red so the headlines be about him, and not Ajax, however the ref, maybe thinking home team out, last min, am not sending off the Idol

Be interested to read thoughts, and why...but red for me, SFP.
A&H International
cos it was ronaldo

An elite ref, safe in knowledge Ronaldo wont be partt of the semi final anyway, wont, or should not, be sucked into that mind set though.
It would have been a, safe sending off, absent for the next game, which will now be at home to Nantes or something.
He never made it to a massive club like Wednesday though, he’ll regret that when he retires! 🥰
First view 100% red card.

Doesn't look as bad on reply as it did live which is unusual.

I was surprised VAR didn't get the referee to look at the handball just before.
Yes the handball was interesting.......one of those, no way but fully expected it to be given on VAR review.....if indeed it struck his hand, I really honest cant tell.

i think the tackle, its a red but it can be talked down to a yellow, still red for me though but its one that will split opinion
The fact there was 20 seconds to play has probably swayed the refs decision i think.

I had myself recently, two lads squared up one in particular a bit mouthy all game and had been cautioned, it was last kick of the game so let it slide.