Calf injury


Well-Known Member
Felt my calf tighten up in second half of match on Saturday. Didn’t feel anything go as such, just felt tight and sore. Stretching didn’t appear to ease it. Felt a little like cramp but wasn’t cramp. 5 days later, pain still there and is worse if I try to run. I’m giving games a miss until it’s ready just wondered if anyone else has experienced this
A&H International
A couple of weeks ago I woke up in the night with such a strong pain in my calf it was nuts. Kinda cramp point and searing pain. I'd done a lot of games plus a flight and thought it might be DVT or something. I went for a scan. Nothing at all. I have not been as sensible stretching and warming up recently (not enough refs and too many games with too much travel so lots of short prep times). So, I get sore calves the day after and put this crazy pain down to some kind of glitch.
Might want to do some Soleus stretches as well. I used to suffer with really bad calf soreness and tightness. Went to see a sports therapist and I showed him all the stretches I was doing.

Turns out was my soleus that was tight and he gave me a stretch to do which really sorted it out.
Sounds very much like a calf strain. I’d suggest seeing a physio ASAP
Sounds like a grade 1 calf tear. Should fix itself in 2 to 4 weeks, but be very careful as a grade 1 can very easily become grade 3, in which case you are looking at 6 months out and probably surgery.

Tightness in the calf should be a big alarm bell, if it isn't temporary cramp it could go badly wrong very quickly.
I'll get shouted down here but I played for a long time and pain kind of went with the territory when you're playing Sat, Sun and Tues. If you do alot of games then there will be some soreness. If it become unmanageable or it feels different then you may have a problem. Calf pain was a constant for my last couple of years of playing. No injury, just muscle fatigue especially on muddy pitches. If a scan has shown up nothing then crack on bit stretch and warm up properly. Cramo is often dehydration so take plenty of fluids on boards before the game.

I know we are expected to say be careful with injuries etc but I think I'm from a different planet when it comes to this. Injury is part of sport. Soreness and a bit of pain is part of sport. You know your body and you know your current limits. If something doesn't feel right then it probably isn't. But if I didn't ref when I felt some calf pain etc then I wouldn't ref at all. The key is knowing whats an I jury and what isn't.

Probably worth ignoring me when it comes to this. But that's life when it comes to sport
Thank you, all valid and useful points. As I crossed the 50 divide couple of years ago, I do tend to always have some sort of niggle so expect that. This is different this time though and is definitely something more serious. Booked in with sports physio and will see what happens then
I'll get shouted down here but I played for a long time and pain kind of went with the territory when you're playing Sat, Sun and Tues. If you do alot of games then there will be some soreness. If it become unmanageable or it feels different then you may have a problem. Calf pain was a constant for my last couple of years of playing. No injury, just muscle fatigue especially on muddy pitches. If a scan has shown up nothing then crack on bit stretch and warm up properly. Cramo is often dehydration so take plenty of fluids on boards before the game.

I know we are expected to say be careful with injuries etc but I think I'm from a different planet when it comes to this. Injury is part of sport. Soreness and a bit of pain is part of sport. You know your body and you know your current limits. If something doesn't feel right then it probably isn't. But if I didn't ref when I felt some calf pain etc then I wouldn't ref at all. The key is knowing whats an I jury and what isn't.

Probably worth ignoring me when it comes to this. But that's life when it comes to sport
Significant pain 5 days later is not a bit of soreness . . . .

I found with my calf issues a massage gun was almost magical for releasing the tightness--but it obviously depends on the nature of the calf issue. @Gamespoiler, wishing you the best on a quick recovery