Junior/Youth Cards and Assistant Referees


New Member
Level 8 Referee

I'm new to refereeing and although I got a couple of games in last season, I haven't got much experience. It's my first game of the new season tomorrow, an U13s match.

My first question was regarding the giving of cards to U13s. I was doing U11s at the end of last season and the giving of cards virtually didn't happen. Now by 13, I knew what was right and wrong in terms of fouls, and I feel that possibly, if the situation arises, giving a card would be appropriate?

Secondly, the assistant referees are always coaches of the club. Should they start in their own attacking half (ie. judging their own offsides) or in the defensive half, and should they swap sides at half time?

A&H International
Firstly welcome to the site :)

You'll get a lot of mixed opinion on cards at youth level. Have a quick search on here and you'll see what I mean ;)

As for your CAR's being coaches, I personally wouldn't have them judging their own offsides. Have them in the defensive half for both halves
CAR's usually go on their own left back's line, or at least that's what I was told and have always seen when playing. I suppose they're more unlikely to give their own attackers offside.
Considering cards at youth level I have never needed to issue one yet. However the most likely need for one would be dissent. Fouling can usually be dealt with with a warning or a promise of a card for any further infringements.
Good luck
CAR get a bad rep, but will sometimes surprise you and be honest and useful. I have come to know quite a few locally who take pride in doing an honest job. They do it because they love the game of football and want to be involved, I am sure a few of us can relate to that :rolleyes:

Then there are the other CARs of course who you wouldn't trust as far as you can throw them ;)

Keep them on their own left backs. I use the following in my speech to them. "If you are keeping up with play I am happy for you to raise a flag for offside, however the decision as to whether it is offside or not remains solely with me. It is likely that I will overrule you during the match, please do not be offended by this. After all, chances are you will know your right and that I am wrong!"

They sometimes laugh at this point!

Whether or not you can use CARs in this manner will be dictated by local policy though.
CARs should be used as per your local FA's guidance. In regards to cards... and without wanting to get this topic started again and have yet another thread locked, I'd say use common sense. I'd rely on player management to get you through, failing that, just get them out. Both ways work in the long term development of player behaviour (generally).
With regards to cards it's a judgement call at youth level I find. Having refereed a majority of youth games I'd say you know when you might need to get them out. But a really strict opening tends to keep them in check. You'll also spot in the first 5 minutes who'll give you problems so a quiet word with them early on can work wonders as they'll know you've spotted them.

But you're there to enforce the LOTG and don't use their age to cop out of making a decision.

Ah just noticed this game was yesterday. How did you get on?
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