Caution? - entering field of play

Mike Spice

New Member
Level 7 Referee
I am refereeing my first season at my University League and we're generally a little more relaxed with the officiating. However yesterday's Captain for Reds who was running the line as he was sub, ran onto the pitch arguing with the opposition over a tackle.

I got him off, told him off and made him apologise in no uncertain terms at the end to the opposition. I handled the incident very well with authority.

However...I really should have produced a Yellow shouldn't I?

In general reffing at the University is a pleasure - well behaved and polite, with some good games.
A&H International
You should really be producing the caution there - I'd have probably done the same with relaxed refereeing though to be fair!
At the point he is you car then you're dealing with your own staff. If he wants to come on then he be on his best behaviour.