Open Age Checking for jewelry, shin pads etc.

Pre-match checks/talk

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I have assisted a couple of times recently where the league prefer/require qualified refs as assistants even though they are supplied by the clubs, and on both occasions have arrived before the referee - pertinent so as to make it clear I didn't miss anything.

On both occasions the referees failed to check the players equipment (shin pads), or for jewelry. They also failed to check the goals - when asked one told me "there had been a game on before, therefore the goals must be ok"!

Neither made any attempt to communicate to the players before the game or to the other assistants of their expectations from them during the game.

Both the refs had refereed for at least 5 years each in terms of experience but I was a little shocked to see that neither bothered about the pre-match rituals. In one of the games a sub came on with two earrings and a chain around the neck - when I pointed this out to the ref it took him 10 minutes to talk to the player in question!!

Is it me that feels this is odd or do many refs just not bother?
I tend to do youth games but always make a point of doing the checks when the players are all together as it also gives me the opportunity to tell them to play to the whistle and enjoy the game.

Can you show what you do via the poll?
A&H International
I had my first game yesterday and I checked:
1. goals if they securely attached to the ground,
2. nets if there is no holes
3. corner flags,
4. field of play for any objects,
5. ball presure
6. players whether they had shinguards, their arms for rings, bracelets, then face for earrings, necklaces and then boots for missing studs or split blades even though their boots were so dirty that I couldn't see anything!

did I miss anything?
Karl, I do all those bar studs. I look at the boots when I check for shin pads but never check stud unless the boot looks odd (ie not like a normal football boot).

I was just amazed that 2 relatively experienced, but youngish refs did none of those.
My mentor for my 1st game which was about 4/5 weeks ago marked me down for below average for my boot/jewellery checks although I did these just after my pre match briefing to each team which disappointed me to say the least considering it was my first fixture and I made a point of not missing anything out of my pre match routine ! lol
So, refs like these make you look even better whe you do do these.

Imagine if everyone did everything everytime - be a nightmare to "rise or shine".

You don't have to be good, just be better then those that are lower down the list. And if they're on your prom scheme it puts you up towards the top.

Or they've been there, done that and got the medallions, are doing it for the love of doing it and just get on with what they want to, how they want to.
My mentor for my 1st game which was about 4/5 weeks ago marked me down for below average for my boot/jewellery checks although I did these just after my pre match briefing to each team which disappointed me to say the least considering it was my first fixture and I made a point of not missing anything out of my pre match routine ! lol
who was this mentor? I definitely wouldn't advise marking someone down in their first match especially as a mentor, i would find some constructive criticism instead :)
I must admit I rarely do any pre-match talk, or checks for shin pads/jewelry. However I do always tell both coaches that I expect no jewelry and that everyone must have their shin pads on. Never had any problems bar the odd earing slipping through and the player being told to remove. Had a word with a few other refs' who do the same leagues and very few of them do it either.
I use the equipment check to test the captains' influence on his team and if he can be useful to me during the game.

I have a quick chat with the two captains before the toss, explain I will keep them close and give them an opportunity to help keep their players on the straight and narrow where possible.A few jokes etc and I ask them to gather their players in the centre circle for the equipment inspection and walk away.

What happens next gives a great indication of how much each teams players respect their captain and whether he will actually be of any use to you during the game.

If they're there quickly with minimal fuss and in an order it looks good on the captain, and he may be of use. If they mess around, don't listen, don't take it seriously, backchat him or he's chasing them round looking stupid you know he has no influence on them and you deal with them yourself if needs be after kick off.

Equipment check is also a great point to start your match control, and help 'next weeks ref' in the process.
Always check nets , Jewellery and shin pads if I see anyone breaching this they will be going off to adjust , as for talking to players a friendly word as I pass them to check the nets and that's about it

Being Assessed is a different ball game though
1) Get to match, have a cup of tea, check the FOP and goals
2) Before the game, I check both teams jewellery, shin pads, thermals, studs, tape etc... If they want to walk out fast, trying to avoid me thus not allowing me to check properly, they will be slowed down. Use this time to assert your authority.
3) Both teams wait for me (when on my own this is. If I have assistants, the assistants do the checks and we wait for them), when done we all go out to the FOP together.
4) Respect handshake and then break off to check nets
5) Captains coin toss. No lengthy convo. names, heads or tails, have a good game (this is always discussed (there are many threads about why you say to captains) so will not go into detail as to why etc...)

I most certainly do not line teams up to tell them what I expect, however I will say hello to players and management when passing by and I am quite happy to have chats etc... and pretend I am interested in how their season is going. First impressions count!
Only things I check before kick off (in order of importance)

1) Goalposts
2) Nets
3) Flags

Everything else I will notice eventually.
I'm not gonna lecture people on what I expect. If they want to test the boundaries it's a tenner a pop.