Chelsea goal WSL last weekend


RefChat Addict
Anyone see the first goal?

Refereeing team won't be happy. Missed offside is poor (clear view, her side) but wonder if the more debateable 'error' led to the missed offside.

Free kick 1M or so from edge of Reading area. Fouled player still on the floor, ref looking at her, but allows Chelsea to take a quick fk, pass to 'offside' player who crosses to team mate who scores - sure AR who missed the offside wasn't expecting the quick fk.

The offside just is and one of those things we all miss from time to time, but the quick fk?, anyone who saw it allowing a quick one there?

A&H International
I'm perfectly fine with a QFK here. Firstly, the referee had given no indication whatever of making this a ceremonial free kick. Secondly the team that has had a promising attacking situation taken away from them by the illegal actions of an opponent should for me, be allowed to restore the status quo ante as quickly as is practically possible.

Allowing a team that only had one or two defenders between an attacker and the goal when they did something illegal, to have the time and luxury of getting as many players as they like back into ideal defensive positions between the ball and the goal because of that illegal action is not restorative justice, IMHO.

As you may surmise, I'm not a fan of the idea that free kicks in and around the edge of the area should always be ceremonial, no matter what. Rather, I'm a firm believer in the advice given in the laws that:

The whistle is NOT needed to:
restart play from: most free kicks ...

When a team has committed an offence, they shouldn't be "rewarded" by ending up in a more favourable situation after committing a foul, than they were before committing it.

Sometimes a ceremonial free kick is indicated (for instance, in the situations outlined in the Guidelines for Match Officials section) but for me, a QFK is preferable whenever possible.
I'm afraid the offside error is solely on the shoulders of the AR for not being alert to the QFK. Just like the goal (had it been onside) would be on the shoulders of the defenders for not being alert o the QFK.