Chelsea Penalty

A&H International
At this point I'm starting to agree with the proposed change to make the PK a stand alone event.
Like what?
As in kicks from the penalty mark to decide the outcomes a game. It's either a goal or no goal and there's no follow up action permitted. Not sure on the restart (except where a goal is scored, of course).
The kicker to get a 2nd go though if the ball is saved and rolls out to him?
hitting bar or post could be classed as a miss and restart with a goal kick I guess.
The kicker to get a 2nd go though if the ball is saved and rolls out to him?
hitting bar or post could be classed as a miss and restart with a goal kick I guess.

I'd assume it would be treated like KFTPM. The ball is in play until it goes out of bounds, stops moving, or touches another player besides the GK (this would be a change from KFTPM since more than two people would get involved).
Anyone else notice the BBC naming of one of the teams on show has been elongated as to not make a freudian slip!!!
The PC brigade seem to run the show these days!!
Funny, usually people on here try to argue 'didn't affect the kick, so what?'
Football is becoming a farce with stuff like this. It's an easy law to enforce.
Why bother even having laws?
Funny, usually people on here try to argue 'didn't affect the kick, so what?'
Football is becoming a farce with stuff like this. It's an easy law to enforce.
Why bother even having laws?
Because anarchy is no more consistent than what we have now.
Because anarchy is no more consistent than what we have now.
Not really sure that it's even less consistent at this point :p
I mean, clearly we may as well delete the 'players must remain outside the PA' law, along with the 6 second and OFFINABUS laws.