City v Barcelona


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Watching the game now and i've noticed the some other officials near the goals.


I'm sure City have goal line tech??

Not a city fan so I don't know why i'm watching the game put still:)
A&H International
UEFA started using them in European competitions to aid referees with decisions in the penalty area (I think) nothing to do with goal/no goal
UEFA started using them in European competitions to aid referees with decisions in the penalty area (I think) nothing to do with goal/no goal
Yep, what he said. Although, they do aid with the goal/no goal.

I'm not 100%, but I don't know whether the goal line decision system that is used in the BPL can be used in UEFA competitions, I don't think it is.
Quick side note, but did anybody else think that Kolarov's tackle deserved a red? Lunged in with both feet off the ground, commentator himself even said 'Yeah, it was one of those - studs showing, both feet off the ground. Always a yellow' (?!?!). Replays didn't show it favourably either...
just noticed that barca are wearing qatar airlines on their shirts after 113 years of no corporate sponsors

just noticed that city have gone one down
Quick side note, but did anybody else think that Kolarov's tackle deserved a red? Lunged in with both feet off the ground, commentator himself even said 'Yeah, it was one of those - studs showing, both feet off the ground. Always a yellow' (?!?!). Replays didn't show it favourably either...

I would of gave red but the ref probably didn't want to take city down to 9 men
didnt see it so if you can get a clip it would be interesting to see. :)