City v Southampton


RefChat Addict
I'm sure you'll all have seen the how far Silva was offside for our second goal yesterday. It was even obvious at the game and how the linesman managed to miss it I'm not quite sure.

It got me thinking though, Chris Foy seemed to have a pretty good view and, like the rest of us, should have been able to see that it was offside. Could he have given the offside himself, without the flag from the linesman?
A&H International
It looked pretty tight on the replay I just watched. Upper body did look slightly off though. Guessing you are a Southampton supporter? :)

A very brave or very stupid ref to overrule an assistant in a camera filled stadium. Assistant getting it wrong, not good. Ref overruling and getting it wrong, prepare the stocks!

Edit: just noticed that there is a touch from a man city player to put silva through. Yes clear offside :) doh
It looked pretty tight on the replay I just watched. Upper body did look slightly off though. Guessing you are a Southampton supporter? :)

A very brave or very stupid ref to overrule an assistant in a camera filled stadium. Assistant getting it wrong, not good. Ref overruling and getting it wrong, prepare the stocks!

Edit: just noticed that there is a touch from a man city player to put silva through. Yes clear offside :) doh

I'm a City fan, actually! :D
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Clearly onside...
In the linesmans defence..his words were that he though it had been knocked by Southampton player, oh and that "s**t happens" :)