Clarification needed


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
Hi guys a bit of a silly question,
I am a new referee and on 22nd August I will start in the Harrogate&District League(OA).
Am I meant to have some sort of a mentor, for my initial 6 games?
If so how does it work? Sorry for the noob(ish) question
A&H International
County FA should appoint a mentor to all newly-qualified referees. You can speak to your RDO and request one I thinkthink
If you ask for a mentor they will sort you one hopefully but don't automatically get assigned unfortunately.
Hi guys a bit of a silly question,
I am a new referee and on 22nd August I will start in the Harrogate&District League(OA).
Am I meant to have some sort of a mentor, for my initial 6 games?
If so how does it work? Sorry for the noob(ish) question
When your course was completed you will have been sent an email detailing the name and phone number of your mentor (this is the current practice within WRCFA).

You need to understand that your mentor may still be an active referee, as assessor, tutor or have another role within football, such as League or Fixture Secretary and as such will have little free time to actually come and watch you referee.

They can however provide a sounding board for any issues or questions you may have from any of your games, not just the first six. The onus for contact is the responsibility of the new referee although I usually try to send out a welcome to refereeing email to my mentees. Referee mentors are not used by new referees as much as they should be, but are a valuable source of support and information. The Mentors may have as many as 20 new referees to look after each season from teh various courses although these numbers will change with the new course format from September 1st.

Phone Steve or Mark on Monday at the County office for details of your mentor if you can't find your email.
@Brian Hamilton thanks for that, I haven't received the email you mention, but on my last day we were given David W email, and following your reasoning, he is the tutor administering my course. But this is only my speculation.
I'll ring on Monday to find out.
All I really need is some support/advice on my first game, as this will be OA football
That's great @Charlie Jones but bear in mind this is my very first season as referee, and on 22nd my first OA game.
As you may understand its like being thrown at the deep end and told to swim...
I joke I joke ... on a serious note, you'll be fine.

I was told 1 thing before my very 1st OA game by my uncle (whos been a referee for over 30 years) ...

there are 23 men on that football pitch at any 1 time ... you are most likely the only one to have sat a course and test to learn the laws - and you are most definitely the only being paid to enforce them.
@Brian Hamilton thanks for that, I haven't received the email you mention, but on my last day we were given David W email, and following your reasoning, he is the tutor administering my course. But this is only my speculation.
I'll ring on Monday to find out.
All I really need is some support/advice on my first game, as this will be OA football
Ah you were on that course. I'll be back later to help but have an interview in a couple of hours and need to get ready for that!