Club marks


Next Weeks Ref
How many of us get to see our club marks and how do you find out?

Interested in this as I know some leagues don't disclose them at all but speaking to some refs they know after every game their mark
A&H International
MHRML don't disclose them, but don't get too hung up about them. Any actual comments made by managers make a far greater impact than a score which they probable don't give second thoughts to.
Become the ref sec for the league - then you'll see them all (plus your marks will go up too!)

Ditto Mike - scores don't mean too much - when I was a ref sec I saw teams that never marked higher than 65 and other teams than never marked lower than 75 (as well as the problem of some teams marking higher when they won / lower when they lost ... saw plenty of 0 scores and once a -2 !!
Not registered with mhrml this season as doing open age at the moment. May register soon for any pm fixtures though.

Not worried at all club marks don't bother me really, just wondered how many of us do get them
Club marks are what you worry about when on the greasy pole of promotion.

Club marks are what cause promotion seeking referees to suffer from selective deafness, blindness and otherwise lead them to compromise to keep clubs happy.

Club marks are what i don't give a damn about......i referee what is in front of me.....if the club doesn't like it, tough. Sort their players out.
I asked the league sec in Sheffield about it and she just told me my average over the past season and how it compared to the league average. But they don't tell you as far as I know.
As others have said, club marks are largely irrelevant.

I often see my club marks after matches because they're on the match cards that I have to sign. Most of the time they're a way for a manager to express anger/pleasure after a game; high marks after a win and low after a loss. More often than not, you know yourself whether or not you've had a good game.

My league does provide them at the end of the season if asked.
At supply league up they can break your season so it pays to be polite to the club sec and tea lady. Always have a drink in the bar after the game. But as Padfoot indicates you should referee as if they don't matter.
Exactly, you can play for club marks off the pitch but not on the pitch. :D
I was always under the impression that my league did not operate a marking system for referees - it apparently does. After almost no thought on the subject I have decided I couldn't give the worst smallest sh.... fig what marks they give.
