Clueless CARS

James Irwin

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Last 3 weeks CAR no idea of offside laws flagging for nearside player when ball 40yards away.
This week though got the two gentleman in explained they form part of a team with myself, I would control the middle and asked for throw-ins and offside assistance, orange team CAR advised he was a qualified referee and then proceeded to twirl the flag around like an Olympic ribbon contestant, constantly questioning and asking for FK's, he had no understanding off the offside laws period. CAR removed from position and club provided another, this time an ex-pro who had less of an idea again flagging for free-kicks in his teams favour (no foul occurred) whilst arguing his case running down the line . I re-iterated how we would work as a team, to which he advised "as it says in the title I will assist and I will flag for free-kicks until you give the decision", I reiterated what I wanted and how the team works and questioned his actual knowledge, his response "I don't need to pass the course, I have played at grounds you can only dream of", told him that's great but it doesn't make him a good referee or CAR, removed from position and game restarted.
This was an U15 game with no real incident other than two yellows for Orange team late on for dissent. Why do adults try to spoil youth football is beyond me. Thinking of having no CAR at next youth game at all. Thoughts?
A&H International
Can you tell us how you explain to the CAR's what to flag for?

Do you just tell them "throw ins and offside please" or do you check to gauge their understanding of offside? Do you explain to them that they can flag but you make the decision?

I've always found that a little bit of time invested pre match talking to your CAR's can save a lot of grief later in the game. Normally, i do this with the captains present, so they know exactly what i have asked the CAR's to do, and not to do!
I actually use a little patter taken from this forum which has been posted by Supermonkey.
"If you are keeping up with play I am happy for you to raise a flag for offside, however the decision as to whether it is offside or not remains solely with me. It is likely that I will overrule you during the match, please do not be offended by this. After all, chances are you will know your right and that I am wrong!" or words to this affect. Found this fine when officiating OA.
Thought I was onto a winner when they advise they are qualified how wrong could I be :confused:
The Captains weren't present the two Managers/Coaches were and I have to say were brilliant when I requested a change of CAR, they even took the first one (qualified referee) to one side to explain the Offside Laws in more depth.
In all my time playing football and as a referee I have never known a CAR to be given any other instruction than in's and outs only please, it must just be local to me that CAR's are not used the same way as elsewhere. I cant imagine the response I would get if I asked a CAR to keep up with play on a Sunday morning, he cant run up the line properly with a can of Stella in his hand can he?? (tongue in cheek a little)
The coach did explain it quite well much to my surprise, don't think the other chap was listening at that point much, too busy trying to tell me how awesome he was :confused:
In all my time playing football and as a referee I have never known a CAR to be given any other instruction than in's and outs only please, it must just be local to me that CAR's are not used the same way as elsewhere. I cant imagine the response I would get if I asked a CAR to keep up with play on a Sunday morning, he cant run up the line properly with a can of Stella in his hand can he?? (tongue in cheek a little)

Oliver, I concur but every now and then you get a gem of a car, but the best one I like is the one that comes over and tells you he is a ref too and probably a higher standard than you will ever be , I always reply with that's fine mate but today just give me ball in and out of play, if you up with play I will take your offside decisions and please do not flag for fouls and free kicks his face is then a gem to look at
I've no problem with a CAR giving me off-sides ... I just wish they would stand still and stick their flag straight up so I have a decent chance of seeing it (as per instruction)

If (probably when!) there is an iffy call - I will always follow it up by reminding the back 4 / forwards publicly that they should always play to my whistle - regardless of whatever the CAR does / does not do
If I don't agree with an offside I will do a big gesture for him to lower the flag, shout no offside and play to the whistle lads.

I always give my cars the chance to do offsides and normally after the first couple of times he's raised his flag you'll know whether he is worth while listening to or not.
If I don't agree with an offside I will do a big gesture for him to lower the flag, shout no offside and play to the whistle lads.

I always give my cars the chance to do offsides and normally after the first couple of times he's raised his flag you'll know whether he is worth while listening to or not.

this is like being a contrib assistant w don't get involved unless we have to also its safer to stay out of it after all the referee is the main man not his assistant but that's another tangent and topic for another day...............................
I've had some real "gems". My county CARs do ins outs and offsides. Had one guy who would only go ten yards over the halfway line and would still raise his flag 40 yards behind the play. Loved that guy.

On a more serious note, did have a gem a few weeks back. Never identified himself as a ref but suspected he was, was amazing with the flag (none of this furled up across the chest nonsense) and not one time did I look over and see him anywhere but roughly in line with the last defender. :)
If I'm acting as CAR for my son's team, I never identify myself as a ref. I play the part to the best of my ability but I can be a little too 'coachey' at times. (I did coach them for two seasons is my feeble excuse). My son plays left back. He tells me off sometimes.
Doesn't your full referee kit that you wear when you are a CAR give you away? :D
Had a brilliant CAR the other week, 68 years old and still a registered player for the team... ran the line the whole game, every decision fair and right in law, brilliant signalling. Actually made a real effort at the end of the match to thank him for his efforts and said he should consider doing the Basic Ref course.

He actually seemed a little embarrassed that I'd given him some praise and thanks. Sometimes the system does work though.
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One thing to never forget. Be you a player, a referee, a manager, a CAR, a supporter; We all do it because we love football. :D
One thing to never forget. Be you a player, a referee, a manager, a CAR, a supporter; We all do it because we love football. :D
I must agree supermonkey why else would we get up early for a match spend the day driving there and back getting abused /praised (I have to travel to eassington in hull next couple of weeks plus picking up assistants on the way 235 mile round trip 2 1/2hr min one way love it just love it
Good luck with the trip to Easington Mike, I know it well. I'm Manager of Brodsworth in the same league. It's always windy, wet n cold when I've been :mad:
Central Midlands North Division.
Not sure how Easington are classified in this league but they are. Its a long trip for most clubs in the division. They are a small bunch of nice people who try their hardest for their club.