Coin toss

Gavin Chilton

New Member
Level 3 Referee
Just wondered how you guys handle to coin toss? Do you give this coin to one of the captains or do you do it yourself?
I see a lot of referees do it both ways
What's your preference?
A&H International
I do it myself and let it drop to the floor. I find it avoids confusion and possible dispute etc.

In the end it doesn't really matter and is down to personal preference.
I toss the coin myself and even choose which applies to each side. I have one of the A&H coins with FA logo (heads) & flags (tails) so as I show the coin to the captains I simply say "Heads for home, tails is away" toss and catch the coin and then get on with it.
Keep hold of it myself and catch it (most of the time) falling in the mud and having to clean it isn't my idea of fun, and it's a long way down at 6'2!
From a previous assessment I was told to keep doing it that way, as your always in control of the situation.
I just did it because I found it easier to be honest
I was advised to give the coin to the home team to throw and catch and away team to call as it can look embarrassing if you manage drop the coin. we were also told to use a silver coin as a copper coin can be hard to find in the mud.
That's easy - Don't drop the coin! I wouldn't give it to the players, they are barely able to call heads and tails without getting it wrong! The number of times the away team captain doesn't call heads or tails when the coin is being tossed is unbelievable. And then when they win the toss they ask for kick off.... :confused:

One tip, don't flick the coin very high. And if it's very windy consider playing "pick a hand" where you have the coin in your hand and the away teams guesses which one. Tossing a coin in high wind is asking for trouble!
I did think a windy day could be an issue I know it would be pedantic and as not fully part of the game do you think an assessor would say anything about playing pick a hand? also would rock paper scissors be ok if I forget my coin?
I did think a windy day could be an issue I know it would be pedantic and as not fully part of the game do you think an assessor would say anything about playing pick a hand? also would rock paper scissors be ok if I forget my coin?

Would certainly stay clear of rock paper scissors! Could cause all manner of problems and probably damage your credibility!

If you forget the coin use a card or pencil in the hand! Best thing to do is keep some coppers in your plastic box in your kit bag. Wouldn't bother with a £5 fa or A&H coin. I personally use a Canadian quarter. Can find it easily in the mud and still has queen Liz on one side! :)
Better than tossing the coin and it blowing out of your grasp! You look like a right numpty, I have done it.

It's also a known fact assessors don't assess on bad weather days!! :)
Important thing to remember is why we do the coin toss - i.e. basically choose ends ...

No-one likes a team captain who changes end - especially his/her own team mates ...

To prevent a turnaround - find out from one of the team captains BEFORE you call them in if they are going to turnaround if they win the toss ...

If they are not - switch to your double-headed coin - tell this captain to call heads at the coin toss ...

Just remember to ask the 'right' captain when it comes to the coin toss :)
I got told by a assessor, if you toss the coin yourself and don't catch it, never bend over and pick it up wait till after the captains have gone before you bend and pick it up
I personally use a Canadian quarter. Can find it easily in the mud and still has queen Liz on one side! :)

I, rather embarrassingly, once used an Icelandic krona. Now I use it every game, if you asked me why though, I wouldn't be able to give you any sensible reason at all!!